Part 19: The New Lot

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Tracy: Hello everyone! I'm Tracy Beaker and I'll be your new careworker!

Kelly: Cool

Jake: Hiya!

Josie: Sup.

Jake: You and Toby still going out?

Josie: Yup.

Tracy: Cuteeeeeee.

*Tracy gives Luke an evil stare*

*Toby watches the conflict between them*


*Tracy gets a glass full of sugar out*

Toby: I thought Luke didn't want any sugar in this tea.

Tracy: I don't like him.

Toby: You're meant to show us a good example.

Tracy: Well I'm setting you a good example on how not to set a bad one.

Toby: Why don't you like Luke?

Tracy: We've been enemies since Primary.

Toby: Oh.

*Josie walks in

Josie: Urm. Luke is asking about the tea.

Tracy: Greedy Pig! That's it's!

*Tracy puts drops of vinegar in the tea*

Josie: Ah! I think that's enough. I'll... give it to him.

*Tracy, Toby and Josie walk in the living room*

*Luke drinks the drink*

Luke: Thanks!... Tracy.... I'll be off. For good!

*Luke storms off and slams the door*

Fiore: Oh Thanks!

Luke: You've got a problem?!

Fiore: Try me.

Joshua: Fiore! Back off!

Jodie: Can we ring the door bell?

Luke: They'll only chuck you out.

*Luke storms off*

Fiore: No wonder why he's kicked out.

*Jodie rings the doorbell*

*Connor opens the door*

Connor: Jodie! Joshua! Fioreviola! Do come in.

Nikeeta: Hiya!

Joshua: What?

Nikeeta: Stop being fussy.

Joshua: Go away!

Peter: Don't talk to my sister like that.

Joshua: Make me!

*Joshua and Peter have a fight*

Tracy: Oi Oi Oi!

*Sally and Tracy brake the fight up*

Tracy: Peter! YOUR ROOM!

Sally: Josh. With me.

*Fioreviola and Jodie enter the living room*

Fiore: Oh my gosh!

Jodie: What?

Fiore: He's cute.

Jodie: Who?

*Fiore looks at Jake*

Jodie: Eww.


Tracy: What happened.

Joshua: Well I came into care and I get someone saying Hiya! Like it's the best thing in the world.

Tracy: You'll get used to it. Do you know Jodie and Fioreviola?

Joshua: Yeah. Jodie is my girlfriend and Fioreviola is my Best Friend.

Tracy: Right. Well I really do hope you settle in.

Joshua: Could I?

Tracy: Sure, see you soon.

Joshua: Thanks Tracy.

Tracy: Any time Josh!


*Fioreviola's Room*

Fiore: AH! Who glued my phone to the table?!

Jake: Me...

Fiore: You?!

Jake: I heard you had a crush on me and your not my type.

Fiore: you haven't even met me and now I would never date you and JODIE!

Jodie: What... I'm right outside.

Fiore: You told Jake!!??

Jodie: Yup...


Kia: How many kids are coming into care?

Josie: Too many.

*Kelly's Room*

Kelly: I want a TV as we share a room we can share the TV. How much money do you have?

*Cat shakes the piggy bank*

Cat: 2ppppp... How much is the TV?

Kelly: £400.....

Cat: Just £399.98 pence left.

Kelly: Great(!)

Cat: Actually were even closer to the TV!

Kelly: How much did u find?!

Cat: 1p!

Kelly: Oh my god! That's like £399.97 left!

*Jodie's Room*

Joshua: Hello!

Jodie: Hey x

Joshua: How's this dump been for you?!

Jodie: I feel weirded out for some reason.

Joshua: It is our first day.

Jodie: Yeah... let's give it some time.

Joshua: Well I'm going downstairs.

Jodie: Bye! Love you xx

*The Quiet Room*

Fiore: Sally.

Sally: Yes.

Fiore: Could you keep a secret and don't tell the others that I'm... that... I'm... related to... Joshua.

Sally: Secret is save with me.

*Jodie over hears the conversation*

{End Of Part 19}

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