Call Fifteen.

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*Keith calling Piper's cell phone from Tristan's phone at 11:31 p.m. February 24th.*

Piper: "Hi."

Keith: "This is Piper, right?"

Piper: " Um... Yeah.. Who are you and why do you have Tristan's phone?"

Keith: "Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Keith. Tristan's best friend."

Piper: "I know who you are. But why are you calling me on his phone at eleven something at night?"

Keith: "Again, sorry, but,  it's about Tristan."

Piper: *scared* "What? What's wrong with him? What happ-"

Keith:"Nothing... Much anyway."

Piper: "What's that suppose to mean? And why do you have Trisan's phone?!"

Keith: "I have his phone because he forgot it when he left for his dad's house an hour ago, and it means I'm worried about him."

Piper: "I'm always worried about him. He changes his mood so much he seems bipolar."

Keith: " He is bipolar."

Piper: "Wait, what? I was joking!"

Keith: "Well I'm not. He's had bipolar disorder since I've known him. I'm surprised he didn't tell you."

Piper: *shuffling in background* "Hold on a sec."

Keith: "K."


Piper: "Okay, I'm back. You're serious about him? I mean you could be wrong."

Keith: "I've known him since fourth grade and we've lived in the same house for almost two months. I think I'd know him. Plus he has his meds laying around all the time. "

Piper: "Oh, right... Is that all that he hasn't told me or is there more?"

Keith: " You tell me."

Piper: "He doesn't really tell me about his life anymore. Which sucks because I liked learning things about him."

Keith: "Well... I don't know if I should tell you this stuff."

Piper: "Just tell me! I'm really worried about him and if you know what's wrong I'd really appreciate it if you told me."

Keith: "I feel like I've told you to much already. Besides, it's not my story to tell."

Piper: "Keith, please."

Keith: *sighing* "Fine."

Piper: "Thanks."

Keith: "Yeah, sure. But know that I feel like I'm  betraying him."

Piper: "Um... Alright. The first thing I want to know is why he's at his dad's house. I thought he was still mad at him?"

Keith: "That's a little hard to explain.  Apparently, after the divorce became final, Tristan started talking to his dad again. But that was only because his doctor told him that it might help his depression. He still hasn't told me why it would help but... I think it just made him worse. I think...Piper,  I think Tristan is cutting, again."

Piper: "Wait... You mean as in, self harm?"

Keith: "Yeah. I mean, the guys been through a heck of a lot his whole life and... I guess he just finds it as a way to get away from the pain."

Piper: "Oh... Wow... H-How long has he had depression?"

Keith: *sighing* "Since his brother died a year and a half ago. It seems like every time he talks to you he gets in a better mood."

Piper: "Okay... So let me get this straight. Tristan is bipolar, depressed because of his brother and he gets happier when he talks to me and  he cuts him self because he's had such a hard life...?"

Keith: "That's the story. At least part of it anyway."

Piper: "What's the rest?"

Keith: " I can't tell you the rest. That, not even I know. Anyway, I should go. He's gonna be home soon and I need to put his phone back."

Piper: "Well thanks for calling."

Keith: "No problem. If you want to talk again, you have my number."

Piper: "Thanks again Keith. Bye."

Keith: "Bye Piper."

*End of phone call at 12:17 a.m.*

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