Chapter 3

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I'm surprised to say the least. I didn't expect him to be the one who hit me with the car, but I guess it all makes sense now, otherwise why would he have stayed around for so long. The poor boy looks tired and I can't help but feel guilty for that. If only I had been more careful. But there are far too many 'if only's in my life and I would just fall into a pit of nothingness if I started listing every single one of them. His eyes are cautious and his smile wary as if he is scared i will snap and start screaming at him or something. So to reassure him everything is as fine as it could get considering the situation we found ourselves into I send him a small smile that barely reaches my eyes but it's a tart because he smiles back while walking towards me and offering me his hand 

"Hello, I'm Louis Troy Austin" (A/N for who doesn't know that's the name Louis was born with. I'm not sure about the Troy but the Austin is from his Biological father so... yup) the boy, Louis, tells me and I slowly shake his hand opening my mouth to tell him my name but then I remember I'm not me.

"Edward Roy" i smile softly but then wince as I pull my arm back, I'm sore as hell. A guilty expression crossed his face and he bit his lip. Oh, the famous bit lip. I had developed that habit for a few months considering my ex and only boyfriend used to do it. I got him to stop eventually. I realised the boy had the same name as my ex and I immediately pushed the thought away. It still hurt to think about him because he was another 'if only' of mine. I couldn't mourn over the fact that my life would have been ten thousand times better if we hadn't broken up. It was not his fault his though. Wasn't meant to be. 

I notice the boy shifting his weight from foot to foot and I can immediately tell he is nervous. No wonder why. He is standing right in front of the boy he hit with his fucking car. The doctor probably notices the tension in the room and he quickly sneaks out. The boy looks a bit relieved and even more relaxed. The doctor is honestly a bit intimidating with his bright blue eyes, gorgeous smile and bright golden hair. He is gorgeous, though not my type. Louis slowly walks towards me and sits down on the chair next to the bed looking embarrassed "How are you?" He finally asks and I feel like laughing because I'm laying on a hospital bed with casts and bandages all over my body and I was hit by a car. Being asked how I am is almost the most hilarious thing at the moment. But then again, it's probably the painkillers. Now that I think about it I'm surprised I'm not drugged up and babbling some nonsense. But not wanting to hurt the boy's feelings I just smile and shrug

"Pretty crappy I guess" I smile softly and he tries to smile back but then I see tears welling up in his eyes and frown. His smile falls and his bottom lip wobbles, I can see the guilt in his eyes 

"Oh, God! I'm so fucking sorry!" He wails loudly as he buries his face on his hands. I would try and comfort him but I will probably have a pain attack if I try moving again. I start to wonder what could I possibly say to make him feel better without lying. 'It's not your fault?' lie 'Don't worry, I'm okay' lie 'It's nothing' lie. "I was so reckless. I know i shouldn't have driven drunk" He whimpers loudly and I can tell he is crying by the way his shoulders shake. 

'Hey, don't worry. But... You don't seem like you're drunk" I tell him quite confused and after a few moments he pulls his face away from his hands and sniffles while wiping away his tears as he sends me a small smile. 

"Edward, you were unconscious for two weeks. I think the alcohol effect has cleared up already" he chuckles softly but then I see something in his eyes, something I completely despise. Pity. I force myself not to roll my eyes knowing he is just trying to be nice. 

"Oh. Yeah. It's probably just the medicine kicking in." I shrug and smile softly at him even though it's kind of forced. I think he notices because his smile falls and he nods quickly looking down. "But, uh... How drunk were you?" I ask slowly not wanting him to stop talking. i like his voice for some weird reason. it calms me. He nibbles on his bottom lip and there is the habit again.

"I had about two or maybe three bears but I honestly can't remember much of that night. I know I wasn't just tipsy because the lights were way too bright and the world was spinning. i know I shouldn't have drove but I was way too far from any kind of sanity at the moment so there was not much I could do really. I'm just feeling terrible for hitting. Oh, my" He breathes out and buries his face on his hands again but this time only to calm down so luckily no more tears, Once he looks up again I smile weakly at him 

"Don't worry I've been through worse really." I say softly and there it is again. Right in his eyes I see the pity and I have the urge to scream at him to stop but I don't. Instead I look down again and the awkward silence fills the room once more. Then I fell like breaking the awkwardness again. "Why did you stay here?" I ask softly and I'm honestly surprised because at the same time you have hit and run you have someone who stays with you in the hospital until you wake up. The world is really confusing.

"Oh" He seems surprised by the question but I feel like he shouldn't. I mean, its not normal to hit someone with a car and just stay with them in he hospital until they wake up. "I guess... I was worried?" He answers cautiously and he is confused obviously. He scratches the back of his neck looking down "I guess since no one came I decided to make sure you were alright. Plus, the doctors didn'thave any information about you." He says softly and then it clicks. pity. Again. Why does it follow me all around? I suddenly feel very tired and I think Louis notices because he gives me a small smile and shakes his head softly "You should sleep. We can talk later." He smiles and I nod smiling gratefully. I close my eyes and realize Louis hasn't got up and left. Is he watching me sleep? What a creep. But to be truly honest? I don't mind.

"I won't sue you if that's what you're worried about" I barely whispered to him before I pretend to fall deeply into sleep and don't give him the chance to answer but he doesn't move 

"It's not that I'm worried about" He mumbles mostly to himself before a loud sigh leaves his mouth. He thinks I am asleep but I can hear his breathing and the way he mumbles some incoherent things to himself but I'm honestly just waiting for him to leaving so I don't have to sleep with someone staring at me. i know 'If you sleep in the streets how can you be bothered by being seen?'. Well, I sleep on empty, dark and scary alleys through the city of London. It's really hard for someone to find me. I hear him shuffling and I figure he is getting up. I feel something warm and comfortable trace my cheek until i realize its Louis's thumb. "I don't know why, Edward, but i have the feeling that we've met previously. I assume it was in a better scenario because you bring some sense of happiness over me." He sighs softly and pulls his hand back. I want to tell him I feel exactly the same but I'm not even supposed to be hearing this. I'm supposed to be asleep. Then why is he telling me this? Sleeping! 

"I dont't know what it is but I'm gonna find out" i hear him say at last and then his footsteps get further away until I hear the door open and close. At that moment I just hope he does. I hope he does find it out. Maybe if he does I can find out why I've felt happy for the first time in years.

*PLEASE READ A/N IT'S IMPORTANT.* >>> Or don't. It's your life

(A/N) Know what? I don't think anybody actually reads this story and it makes me really sad. I kind of gave up on it. I was going to do something like 'last to comment before next update gets a dedication' but then I thought 'I'm not gonna beg for comments.' and also no one would want a dedication from me so I just stopped caring. It makes me really upset no one comments unless I ask them to. I didn't write this because of the readers if it's what you're thinking. Id it was for the readers, except for a few actually give me some feedback and actually  want me to update. I updated this for me because I realized I was losing my propose. I came to this website because writing is my escape and I felt like sharing my stories with all of you guys but I fell like nobody fucking reads them anymore and you know what? i don't care. I'm writing this for me and I'm tired of getting worked up because people won't give me feedback on my writing. I'm just done with all of this. So do whatever you want. Vote comment share. Whatever you feel like. It's not like I'm gonna stop updating if you don't. Feel free to comment how shitty my writing is and point out all the mistakes I did because i know I don't write well so it won't affect me okay? Fell free to call me a bitch attention whore or any other thing you can think of. I don't care anymore. If you're happy with this story, good. I'm sorry I'm such a shitty person who needs some kind of approval from the others. I'm sorry to those who have been there for me since the beginning and none of this was for you. i really love you guys and I appreciate all you do for me because you are the only ones. 



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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