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Karen:(on top of Brandon laps who was sitting on the couch upwards, with her legs open and his legs in between them) you naughty boy (laughs and then starts kissing his neck)
Brandon:(laughing) well you ain't an angel either (wraps his arms around Karen's waist pulling her closer)
Karen:(leaving Brandon small hickies on his neck) oh boy do you really think I'm angel?
Brandon:(feeling tingles from Karen's lips on his neck) I know your not an angel but you sure look like one (lowers his hands down her back until he grabs her ass)
Karen:(feeling hands on her butt so laughs) Oh Brandon your also a little angel (looks him in the face and starts playing with his hair while looking at him in his eye)
Brandon:(feeling chills b/c Karen's eye color was slowly turning purple) Little? (Lost in her eyes)
Karen:(smiles)**ugh I'm pretty sure my eyes changed** yes, little...but I don't know, maybe you aren't really a little boy? (Looks down to avoid Brandon's stare and moves her finger from his knee and up his leg)
Brandon:(tingling all over again) you do realize I'm a year older than you? (Removes his hand from Karen's ass by moving them upward to her waist which caused her shirt slip up a little and then back down)
Karen:(gets closer to Brandon and feels his boner. She very lightly moans but Brandon doesn't hear)**oh god I wonder how long I can go** Yeah, I do realize that your a year older than me but that doesn't mean your any more mature or, bigger?
Brandon:(feeling Karen gently move closer to his dick he puts his head on her shoulder and closes his eyes trying to control himself) I don't know if I'm mature but fo' sho' big(slides his hands under Karen's shirt gently rubbing her spine)
Karen:(liking the tingles) oh really? How big exactly? (Lays her head on Brandon's shoulder and slides his shirt down his shoulder and starts sucking on his collar bone)
Brandon:(now rubbing Karen's back in a massaging way) oh you don't want to know
Karen:(laughs lightly to avoid moaning)(seductively) what if I do want to know? (Starts licking Brandon's shoulder and back to his neck)
Brandon:(moans softly but Karen doesn't hear)**uughh if she keeps this up I don't know if I'll be able resist** (seductively) then I guess you'll found out soon...(starts giving Karen a hicky on her cleavage)
Karen:(enjoying this)**ahh shit Brandon, I hate hickies... whatever to do to tease you** (seductively, wraps her arms around Brandon's neck.)(pouty looking Brandon in the face) soon? But I want to know now...
Brandon:(looking at Karen in the eye but then can't help but look at her up and down)**how long have we been doing this 5, 10 minutes? Fuck she sure knows how to tease...all I feel like doing right now is fucken going into her) Well you don't decide on that little girl.,.
Karen:(smiles flirty) I ain't now little girl...(moves even closer to Brandon causing her to rub his dick/boner)(starts licking and sucking his neck to try to stop from moaning) ...and I can prove it...
Brandon:(moans) uhhhh! KAREN!(Turns Karen over which causes her to lay flat on the couch and him on top) then prove it, Karennn (breathing heavily and eyeing Karen up and down)
Karen:(smiling)**his moan gives me life**  You do realize you've lost?
Brandon:(smirks) you do realize I don't care?
Karen:(laughs and then looks up smiling at Brandon, who was on top of her floating, waiting for her to say something) **cute...does he really think he's going to be in control...no, no, no...Narissa said I should give it a try but I just prefer to be dominant**  You played well Brandon...but I mean-
Brandon:(interrupting Karen) I could have kept going but decided that for tonight, I'll let you play and win your own game (smiles flirty)
Karen:(looks around the couch) you know my bedroom is way more comfortab-
Brandon:(not letting Karen finish her sentence. Gets off of her and carries her up the stairs and quick as he could until he opens a door of a random room he lets her down)
Karen:(laughing) (looking around the room)hmm you actually got my room right-
Brandon:(quickly and passionately starts kissing Karen) you don't need to say anything...(pushes her to the bed without breaking the kiss) let our body talk for themselves)
Karen:(breathing heavily from Brandon's weight being on top of her) well then I guess there won't be much talking (she rolls over so that she's in top of Brandon and starts taking off his shirt)
Brandon:(also starts lifting Karen's shirt until both of them are shirtless)**oh Karen the game isn't over yet** (Brandon starts kissing Karen and sucking her neck)
Karen:(still on top of Brandon starts removing his jeans)(smiling flirty) you know it would be fast if you helped
Brandon:(smiling mischievously) who said we have to go fast? (Turns Karen over to where he's on top)(he finishes removing his jean and starts taking Karen's shorts off)
Karen:(letting Brandon be on top and removing her shorts)don't get to comfortable up there Brandon
Brandon:(smiles and looks at Karen up and down for she just had her bra and panties on) Too late...(starts fingering around Karen stomach and up to her bra) I'm already comfortable (he finally lays on top of Karen giving slight pressure on their bottom area)
Karen:(softly moans) ugh...
Brandon:(smiles) what's wrong? Karennn? (Starts unbuckling the back of Karen's bra)
Karen:(sucking his shoulder, making their bodies close together)**Is Brandon seriously trynna start the game all over?** Nothing's wrong Brandonnn...
Brandon:(finally biting Karen's bra off)(he lifts himself off to see her better and stares for a moment) Your really gorgeous
Karen:(taking advance of the moment turns Brandon around so now she was top) you don't know how many times guys have told me that (softly grinds on Brandon one slow time)
Brandon:(moans softly) ooohhh(starts laughing)**oh this is war**
Karen:(surprised that Brandon had laughed) whats so funny? (Starts kissing him all over his chest)
Brandon:(smiles and puts his hands on Karen's braless back rubbing it in a circular motion) your such a tease Karen
Karen:(laughs half hearted) haha that's why you laughed...(lifts herself and is about to start taking Brandon's Calvin Klein underwear off when Brandon flips her over to where he was top) Brandon!
Brandon:(laughs) oh baby your not gonna be the dominant one...(slowly starts sliding Karens underwear off her causing her to feel tingles) that's my job...

^^end of chapter! Who will win? Karen or Brandon? Next chapter!^^

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