Captivity (Nero x Demon!Male!Reader)

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Your eyes fluttered open. You were surrounded by a thick, amber colored liquid. You couldn't breath, well, you didn't need to anyway. It was difficult to move fast, so you couldn't break the thick glass.

Your eyes hovered over a man, who was pacing around the glass cylinder you were placed in. His voice was muffled, but you could still make out the faint words he muttered to himself as he scribbled quick notes on a pad of paper.

When his eyes met yours, he completely stopped what he was doing. He slowly walked closer to you as if you would break out of the glass and pounce on him. His mouth twisted into a toothy grin.

"Y-y-you're awake!" He exclaimed. He soon quieted his voice, pushing the bridge of his metal framed glasses, so it would be resting on the bridge of his nose. "I-I-Its been a while, you see..." He gently touched the one-inch glass. "I never knew a d-d-demon could take such a human form."

Demon? Realization hit you like a bus. You remembered exactly what happened.
Two decades ago, a gate opened in hell, leading me to the human world. When the gate closed, you were standing in the middle of a ceremony.

Everyone stared at you. You could feel their eyes burning holes into my body. Some of them ran, others abruptly stood up.

A group of men came at you with weapons. You easily dispatched them and killed them with ease. You were about to walk away until you felt a sharp pain and a wave of drowsiness. You looked over to the source of pain and found a small needle.

Your vision went blurry as you fell to your knees. 'This should be interesting.' You thought to yourself before you slipped into a long coma.

The sound of a gunshot caught your attention. A turned my head to find a young man with a glowing arm. Even from this distance you can still sense that he's not human, but a hybrid of one and a demon.

The scientist standing in front of you growled in annoyance. He walked up to the bullet proof glass wall to greet the young boy on the other side.

"Its you...Nero" He sneered. "I was expecting y-y-you would come here."

Nero... You've heard of that name before, but you can't remember where. Two of what looked like angles appeared next to the boy with a couple of air-borne demons that looked like stingrays, flying around him.

"It was Credo who brought you here." He sneered. He yelled out an order and the demons suddenly attacked.

You watched the boy dodge all the attacks thrown at him, gracefully, taking out the two Angelos using their own weapons. You stared in admiration.

A bigger apparition of the boys arm grabbed a gladius, using it in its sword form, and threw it at the glass wall. A small fragment of the glass fell to the floor as the glass cracked.

The boy named Nero smirked and kept repeating the process until the wall shattered into millions of small pieces. The scientist fell to the floor and crawled back in horror as the young man with white hair approached him.

"T-t-that's demonic power!" He exclaimed. "How i-i-is that possible?"

Nero didn't look amused. He grabbed the scientist by his long hair. "What are up to, Agnus?" He growled.

"You do not demand answers from me, boy." Agnus spat. "But..." He took at look at Nero's arm. "I've been researching about demons for several years."

The boy let go of Agnus' hair. He yanked his arm away when the mad scientist tried to touch it. "If we could idolize demonic power, we c-c-could take over the word!"

Nero stepped back as Agnus strode towards him. "That, is the wish of his holiness..."

Nero raised an eyebrow and pointed Blue Rose to Agnus' forehead. "Well, good luck pal, because his holiness is dead!"

Devil May Cry X Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now