Idk what to name this

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      So it's been about a week and now I am kinda used to the school so it was causal day and put of the blue the teacher said NEW STUDENT and everyone was super excited so was I because I did not know who it was so then we heard a knock on the door and it was .....

     Carlos I was very surprised to see him and we just stared at eachother like how the heck did we end up in the same class and SAME SCHOOL I was just so amazed and happy he ended up sitting next YAS my bff  is in the same school oh yeah ! Anyways I also still missed issy .... 

  That's when I found out why I moved apparently the apartments that me issy and Carlos lived in WAS bieng knocked down because there making a soccer field and yeah 

   Stay tune for chapter idk I lost count lol 😂 

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