PART 5 new world lol 😂

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I was still getting used to the new school I was currently trying to make new friends and so far I only made 3

Melanie -was ehh bossy but hey at least I have friend 

Lola-she was nice and funny 

gio  - she was a GIRLY GIRL but I lobe how she is always inspired me to be more outgoing 

  and gio always tell me that Melanie is bossing me around and I should tell her but I would say nahhh but deep down I knew they where right .......

 I kinda did not like being with Lola bc all she would talk about was boys bla bla bla boys bla bla cute and yeah but I kinda got used to it 

   Lola would always tell me if I liked anyone and I said no but she would ......

   That all 4 now 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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