I'm Not Crazy

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Percy's POV

Okay I'll admit, maybe lighting a cigarette in my history class wasn't my best idea...well at least Mom doesnt think so.

"Im so sorry, Miss Artemis. He wont do it again." my mom promised to our principle, before giving me a sharp look.

"Lets not make promises we can't keep, Miss Jackson." My principle said as she stood up from her char behind her desk. She turned her attention to me,"You on the other hand, have detention for the week. Congratulations, Mr. Jackson."she commented as she opened her office door," Now you're dismissed."

I rolled my eyes and followed my mom out of the small room. We walked in silence to the parking lot, but as soon as we reached the car, that's when she started her lecture. You see, my mom doesn't yell at me (though believe me, there have been times I've truly deserved it). She just doesn't, she only lectures.

"Persues Jackson, why?"she sighed as we both got in the car.

"Uh...because I wanted to?" That came out as more of a question then I intended.

My mother sighed once more, then tightly held the steering wheel. "I can't keep doing this, Percy...you know what you are and aren't supposed to do...why cant you just follow the rules?"she asked, looking at me.

"Its no fun..." I shrugged, avoiding making eye contact, "School is so boringly painful."

"Well coming here almost every week is also painful...I've asked you to try and behave. But I realize now, that you must be incapable of that, so I'll just have to make you."she said. I looked at her suspiciously.

"Like how? Please don't tell me you are sending me to military school. " I said, slightly panicked.

She shook her head, "No, I love you too much to send you away...at least right now. Instead, I'm getting you help."

"Like a therapist?" I joked. "Mom, I haven't lost my mind."

"No...though after raising you, I feel as if I need one..." she mumbled the last part before fixing a few strands of hair that fell in her face. "I'm finding you a good influence."

After that she started the car. I didnt ask anything else about my 'good influence' as we drove home. I just got out when we arrived, and as I walked to the door, I sae my favorite girl in the world: Y/N L/N. My favorite person to annoy was just getting out of her car.

I walked over to our fence and leaned on it, waving my hand to catch her attention.

"Hello Miss Perfect." I teased her, which led to her rolling her eyes.

"Hi, Idiot."she sounded very excited to see me too. I watched as she walked to her porch and unlocked the door.  "Get sent home again? Can't stay out of trouble for one day can you, Jackson?" She asked, looking over her shoulder.

I chuckled,"You know me too well,Princess."

"Too well for my liking." she muttered then walked inside her house.

"Yeah, right." I told myself before spinning on my heels and walking up to my mom, who finally got out of the car.

"Will you ever leave her alone?" Mom asked as I opened the front door.

"We've lived beside each other for ten years, its always been this way so...no."I said. She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.

"Go get ready for dinner." I nodded and headed upstairs.

I sat on my bed, glancing over at the stand mirror in the corner of my room. My black hair in it's usual disaster-like form was covering my eyebrow piercing. My whole outfit was the same it's been for the past five years- black tee shirt, my torn skinny jeans, and a flannel.

I turned and untied my worn out Doc Martins, tossing them to the corner of my room.I sat still in silence, trying to listen for Tyron. A few seconds later I heard a soft meow from behind me. Turning around, I saw my grey cat, walking along my bed.

"Where have you been, Tyron?" I asked as I pet his head.

Tyron was a kitten when my mom found him on our porch about a year ago.We aren't really sure where he came from, but decided on keeping him. As soon as I started petting his head, he started purring.

"Wanna go see what Mom is making for dinner?" I asked him, fully aware he wouldn't reply. Im not crazy...well not completely crazy.

I picked him up and carried him with me downstairs. Walking down the hall to the kitchen,I saw my my mom on the phone.

I looked at Tyron and put my finger to my lips.
"Shush, she's on the phone."I whispered.

I placed Tyron down on the floor as I walked over to the counter. Mom was making spaghetti. I stared for a second as the noodles boiled in the pot before hearing my mom speak.

"That would be amazing. She'd be a perfect influence on him...yes. Why dont you come for dinner? Great, see you in twenty minutes."she said before hanging up.

I looked over at her and raised a brow in question.

"The L/N's are coming over."she said. Inodded in response and looked back at the noodles.

"We are gonna need more noodles."I commented out loud.

"Y/N can eat more than a baby hippo..." I said under my breath.


If my mom didnt make me stay, I would have gotten up and left this table awhile ago. My mom has talked nonstop to Y/n's parents since they sat down, leaving Y/n and I to sit here in awkward silence. I tried joking with her, but she didnt seem at all interested. I wonder why though, because she usually replies to my jokes or insults.

"In utter shock of my sexiness, Princess?"I asked trying to get her to talk.

Her face scrunched up slightly in disgust before she looked up at me,"No, I'm just not happy about the deal."

I looked at her confused,"What deal?"

But before Y/n said could answer,my mom intervened, "She's the good influence I was talking about."

Wait what?

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