;; chapter four

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i get out of my bathroom after a long shower, wearing my darth vader onesie and some fluffy socks, my glasses slightly sliding down my nose


a loud notification comes from my phone, and i pick it up to see what it was

Jeon Jungkook sent a friend request.

my eyes grow wide when i realize who it was

i click on his profile and then his profile picture

well, he's cute.

There were so many comments about how hot he looked, how kissable his lips were, and all of the comments were girls

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There were so many comments about how hot he looked, how kissable his lips were, and all of the comments were girls

I frown a bit and scroll back to my notification center

Accept Jeon Jungkook as your friend?

Yes No

i smile to myself before receiving yet another notification, this time it was a message

That was quick

Jeon Jungkook:
hey taehyungg ;)

Kim Taehyung:
oh hey, you're the guy who seats beside me right? :)

Jeon Jungkook:
yup, how is it goin?

Kim Taehyung:
uh great! anyways i have to do my homework now :) see you tomorrow?

Jeon Jungkook:
sure babe, see you tomorrow ;)


Oh my was he flirting with me just now? No it can't be.. he's into girls, right?

Well it's not like i'd get with him anyways, i have to focus on my studies..

or that's what i thought

just a filler

Innocent;; TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now