Welcome to a fan's story called ChargedMetal!
The story is a crossover of Pokemon XYZ and Five Nights At Freddy's: Sister Location! The concept is...
The Lumoise Gym Leader, CLEMONT, gets a job at the Sister Location, or in the story, Circus Baby's Pizzeria. After Clemont sees Circus Baby, he falls head over heels for her, and drama ensues!Enjoy the odd, lusty, cute and funny things that go on in each chapter of...
C H A R G E D M E T A L !
ChargedMetal (Original.)
FanfictionA poor quality Fanfiction about my (cancerous) crossover OTP. It gets worse every chapter, and nothing will end me. (Unless I give up and/or finish it.) [This story is Now Completly Discontinued. There is no Improved Version Coming.] ((⬆This has jus...