Chapter 4 Amazing day with the family

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Rydel's POV
I wake up to some ones arms wrapped around my stomach and someone's head on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and noticed Ell was sleeping with me. I tapped his hand and he let go of me. I turned to face him and I smiled at him.
" Hey babe good morning" I said
" morning beautiful" he said
" I know ya think I'm beautiful but I'm not especially with bed head" I said
" Yes you are" Ell said
We went downstairs to eat breakfast with the rest of my family including Savannah and Cortney. I made pancakes for everyone and heart shaped ones for Ellington. We all decided to go to the mall even though I hate shopping. Riker and Savannah stayed home because Vanni said she felt like she had a fever. I got dressed in a white tube top exposing a little of my stomach showing, and black ripped shiny jeans with my black combat boots. I went downstairs and Ellington was starting at me.
" Wow babe you look wow" he said
" Thanks cutie" I said and then kissed him on the lips.
" Babe can I tell ya something?" I asked
" Of corse" Ell said
"I really want to get my belly button pierced." I said
"Babe ya should get it done." Ellington said
"I'm afraid it's going to not look good on me or my mum is going to say no." I said.
"You'll look amazing with it and I'm sure your mom will let ya." Ell said.
I decided to text my mum and ask her. She said I was able to get it done, I told her about Ellington and I and she was very happy for me. When we got to the mall I went to "Clare's." I got a black choker that had silver heart that had diamonds on it. Ellington was a gentleman and he payed for me. We went to eat at the "Food Court." We got our food and sat down and Rocky was acting really strange. He got mac and cheese (his favorite food) but he wasn't eating it. He was starting at a girl. He got up and walked over to her, and seconds later they had a full conversation going.
Rocky's POV (I know a shocker)
I walked over to a table where a pretty girl was sitting. I nicely asked if I could sit and she let me.
"Hey,beautiful. What's ya name?" I asked/said.
"Sydni. Yours?" Sydni asked/said.
"Rocky Lynch." I said.
"Oh my gosh! I love you and I definitely agree that Rydellinton should happen." Sydni said all excited.
"I'll tell you something but 1st I want to ask you something." I said
"Ok go ahead." she said
" Will you like to be my girlfriend ?" I asked.
"Yes I would love too." she said.
"Yay thanks! You can't tell anyone but Rydel and Ellington are dating." I said.
"Your lying right?" she asked not believing me.
"No I'm not." I said
Let's just say Sydni got along really well with everyone especially Rydellinton. I'm happy I have her as a girlfriend.
Rydel's POV
We have been shopping for about 2 hours and now it's time for me to get my belly button pierced. Ellington went in with me as the others sat in the frozen yoghurt place across the place where Ell and I were. I sat down next to a girl who looked very familiar, I just couldn't figure out who she was. Soon to find out it was Kelly. I went to the bathroom and when I came out I found Ellington crying and Kelly laughing at him. I went over to my boyfriend and asked him what happened and he said that Kelly asked for his forgiveness and she then called me a witch. I wiped the last tear off his cheek with my thumb. I kissed his forehead and put my arm around his shoulder. I got my belly button pierced and it hurt bad. We got Frozen Yogurt and while we were eating Ellington gave me a beaded bracelet that said "Ratliff" and he had one that said Rydel. We left and went home and I got dinner ready. We ate and spent the rest of the night hanging out with the family. Sydni decided to sleep over so Rocky didn't have to bring her home. I went upstairs changed into my pj's and got in bed. After Ellington showered he came in bed with me.
"I'll "Always" love you Ellington" I said
"I'll "Always" love you too." Ellington said

(Sorry for not updating in a while. Rydellingtons_Child I hope you liked the Rocky part. Next time I updated this story it will be present time and not January as I made it. So hopefully it will be may next time. Comment and vote please.Until next time bye.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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