Chapter Eighty-Four - Final Quidditch Match

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It was all anyone talked about over the next couple of days - the twins departure - it was going to be a Hogwarts legend. She had overheard a couple of students saying things like, "Honestly, some days I just feel like jumping on my broom and leaving this place," and "One more lesson like that and I might just do a Weasley." The twins had also made sure nobody forgot them, for no one other than Eliza knew how to remove the swamp and no matter how much Umbridge and Filch tried they could not get rid of it. Eliza knew that some of the teachers such as Flitwick could remove it but they could not be bothered to remove, instead they preferred to watch as Umbridge failed to do so.

Inspired by Fred and George, many of the students were vying to fill in the vacant position of trouble-makers. Someone had managed to slip a hairy-snouted Niffler into Umbridge's office which tore apart everything shiny and proceeded to jump onto her as she entered the room, trying to get her rings. Dungbombs and stink Pellets were frequently dropped in the corridors meaning it had become a new fashion for students to perform Bubble-Head Charms on themselves so they didn't have to smell the disgusting things.

Filch prowled through the corridors, desperate to catch the tyrants but he could never as there was too many. The Inquisitorial Squad was attempting to help him, however strange things kept happening to its members, Warrington had gone to the hospital with a skin condition that meant he had crispy things all over his body and Pansy Parkinson had sprouted antlers so was not seen for a day.

Meanwhile, Eliza saw that the twins had sold a massive amount of Skiving Snackboxes, whenever Umbridge entered the room her students would start to faint, vomit, develop dangerous fevers and have a nose bleed. At first she would she would put her students into detention but eventually she couldn't do anything but let them leave her classes.

But the one that caused the most trouble was Peeves who took what Fred had told him very seriously, he would fly through the school, bursting out of blackboards, tipping statues over and twice he had shut Mrs Norris inside a suit of armour, he would smash lanterns and would juggle burning torches over the heads of screaming students, which caused stacks of parchment to topple into fires or out of windows. He even dropped a bag of tarantulas into the middle of the Great Hall during breakfast and when he needed a break he would spend the time following Umbridge around blowing raspberries at her.

The final match of the Quidditch season was nearing, it would be Gryffindor and Ravenclaw - even though Slytherin had been narrowly defeated by Hufflepuff, the Gryffindors were still not daring to hope for victory.

Before the match, Eliza waited for everyone to finish getting changed, "Okay team, this hasn't been an easy year for Gryffindor but let's make this final match count. You can do it, Ron we believe in you. Come on," She stood up and nodded at the twins as they huddled together, "We can do this!"

They walked out single filed and once Eliza and Davies had shook hands, the game began, "And they're off!" Lee shouted, "And Davies takes the Quaffle immediately, Ravenclaw Captain Davies with the Quaffle, he dodges Johnson, he dodges Dawlish, he dodges Spinnet as well, he's going straight for goal! He's going to shoot - and - and -" Lee swore, "And he's scored."

Eliza shook her head angrily as she heard the Slytherins begin to sing, "Weasley cannot save a thing. He cannot block a single ring . . ."

"Dawlish has the Quaffle, she's speeding across the pitch, Davies can't stop her, Bradley can't stop her, she's coming close to the goal! Is she going to sco- she's scored, Eliza Dawlish, Gryffindor Captain has scored!" Lee screamed loudly, "Yes Eliza!" The Gryffindors cheered loudly whilst the Slytherin cheers subsided. "Davies has the Quaffle, no, he's dropped it, caught by Spinnet, who passes to Johnson, now Dawlish, she shoots again, she's scored again!" Eliza grinned to Angelina and Alicia before flying quickly after Bradley, "Bradley with the Quaffle, he's going towards the goal, he stops to shoot, will he score?" She watched hopelessly as Bradley went to feigned to his left, she crossed her fingers hoping Ron would finally save something. "No, Ron Weasley, the Gryffindor Keeper has saved the goal."

Eliza laughed brightly before smiling to the girls - he had finally shown everyone the potential he had, "He's left it rather late, hasn't he?" Angelina shouted to them, "But you were right, he can be good."

"Bradley with the Quaffle, he passes to Davies who passes to Chambers, he's nearing the goal, he shoots and he - doesn't score, yet again Ron Weasley has saved the goal!" Quickly, Alicia began to fly towards the hoops, Angelina and Eliza on her tail, the three moved together as if they were all parts on the same machine. "Spinnet passes to Dawlish, to Johnson, she shoots and she scores!"

"Yes Ang!" Eliza screamed at her best friend.

"Cheers El!" Angelina shouted back.

"Johnson once again in possession, she passes to Spinnet, who passes to Dawlish, she shoots and Gryffindor lead forty to ten." Soon enough, the whistle was blown and she looked over to see that Ginny had caught the snitch meaning they... they... - she couldn't believe it - they had won not only the match but the cup! "Ginny Weasley has caught the snitch so Gryffindor win the match and are Champions!"

Dismounting her broom, Eliza ran over to Ginny and spun her around, "You wonderful, wonderful person." She saw Ron to her right, "And you, you amazing person." She hugged him tightly, "I'm so proud of you both!"

Angelina and Alicia both jumped on top of her screaming with joy, "We won, we won!" The girls wrapped one and other into a tight hug, "We've actually won!"

"I can't believe it!"

Looking over, Eliza watched as Cho Chang dismounted and then proceeded to throw her broom angrily to the floor, "Someone's not happy." Alicia commented.

"But we are!" Angelina grinned happily at the two girls.

The Gryffindors erupted into loud cheers while the Slytherins were silent, the pitch was soon full of all the other students as they crowded around the Champions. Eliza led the way, as the team made their way to where the teachers would stood, McGonagall holding the cup with pride. "Well done Miss Dawlish! It has been a very trying year for you!"

"Thank you Professor!" Eliza replied before she lifted the cup up above her head - this was the happiest she had been since the twins had left, she could hardly believe they had won.

The team along with their fans then began to make their way back up to the castle, halfway up they hoisted Ron up onto their shoulders and began to sing the Slytherin's song with a small change of lyrics:

"Weasley is our King,

Weasley is our King,

He didn't let the Quaffle in,

Weasley is our king!"

Katie ran over to them, "Congratulations!"

"Cheers!" Eliza replied, "It was so surprising."

"With you three as Chasers of course it wasn't!" Katie told them before the four joined in with the singing.

"Weasley can save anything,

He never leaves a single ring,

That's why Gryffindors all sing:

Weasley is our King.

Weasley is our King,

He didn't let the Quaffle in,

Weasley is our King.

"WE DID IT! WE WON!" Ron shouted from above the group.

They then began to enter the castle causing Ron's head to get bumped on the lintel but nobody wanted to put him down, they continued past Harry and Hermione whom Eliza grinned cheerfully at and into the Hall where they finally stopped. "Come on then Ron, show us the cup." Lee said to him.

"Here you go!"

Lee looked in awe at the trophy, "Isn't is amazing! Wow."

Eliza chuckled, "I think we should all give it up for the best commentator - Lee Jordan!" Everyone cheered loudly, "You'll be sorely missed at Hogwarts!"

"And to the best three Chasers!" Lee replied, "Eliza, Angelina and Alicia, you three incredible people are going to leave a massive gap in the Quidditch team."

The three girls glanced over at each other and smiled sadly - that was their last ever game they would ever play together.

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