The Hunger Games

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Chapter one

The only other sound is the sweep of easy wind and downy flake. The silence broke with a series of thrashing and cracking leaves. In all the lonely landscape, there stood she, looking at his snares. She was beautiful, she was lovely and he watched her from a distance, hypnotized by her beauty as she touched the snare with her tiny little finger, wondering what is was and what it did here in the deep woods. He knew he should say something or even warn her for being here. Careful but with confident in the end he said: ''You're not supposed to be here.'' When she have turned her back he gave her a smile but she didn't trust him. So this mysterious young girl ran away, leaving him behind. "I didn't meant to scare you!" he shouted. But she didn't heard it. He decided to ran after her. There she was jumping over sticks, running down the hills, fast as she was. For a moment he was in a trance. She was like adrenaline trough his veins that gave his heart a jolt. She was like someone else he knew before but still different. His eyes were closed for a while. He stood there and tried to remember her face, the color of her eyes, the redness of her lips... but something brought him back from his imagination to the reality. He heard falling, so he opened his eyes. He could still see her. She had fallen like a petal from a flower. Just like him, who fell for her. He dared to take a step closer and without thinking he spoke to her: "I..I didn't meant to scare you." Her eyes were focused on him and they filled his with joy, but the only thing he could see in hers was fear. "Don't hurt me," she muttered.

"I won't"

"How can I trust you?"

He taught for awhile and then he started, very carefully: "believe me."

No answer. She froze at his words, dropping his eyes altogether

"Let.. let me take a look at your arm, you have must hurt yourself by falling"

Gently he touched her arm. She reminded him of a flower, so beautiful and fragile at the same time. She looked at his face, thinking about something. "I know you,'' she whispered, "You are that boy that carried that little girl away on reaping day, aren't you?" He nodded, what else could he do? The words the girl spoke, reminded him of Katniss. He and Katniss had to ran away when they could, when he asked for it. Now she is gone and maybe... dead. And if she didn't die today, she could die tomorrow. He closed his eyes for a moment and then he spoke: "You know who I am but who are you?" She took a long time to respond, figuring out who she was and still hesitating if she could trust him."They call me Marcy," she said. "Marcy?" He looked up, being surprised. "You sure you're not a capitol girl?" He gave her a smile, trying to laugh the discommode away. "No," it looked like she forced a smile, "just Marcy" The wind blew through her hair and her tresses danced in front of her face. Here in the heart of the forest where sunlight is scarce, she defiantly looked beautiful from the outside. He stared for a long time deep in her dark green eyes that reminded him of the forest. "So why are you here?" he asked. "Same reason as you," she replied, "To still the hunger of our families." He looked up, high in the sky. seeing clouds flouting, without a sound. It took awhile to respond. He was a brave man. Feeding and carrying for two families even if it was hard to take care of himself. "What if I'm here to feel freedom?" he said, "You know hiding away from everything." Marcy smiled, a real one this time."It seems like a good place to hide," she whispered. Being the naïf person she was, she started to trust him, she even felt safe by his side. They were two young people sitting next to each other, in the heart of a forest. Having no idea what the future will bring them. It was the silence that spoke because words couldn't. The sun went down, the sky was filled with clouds, chilly and cool. the wind blew through the trees and made the leafs whirl down. He stood up and so did Marcy. They walked through the deep woods and let them guide by the moonlight. It was full moon "hunter's moon," whispered Marcy "that is how they call it, isn't it?" "I don't know," he answered in a barely whisper. He looked in her eyes, they were so dark and full of mysteries. Who knows how many secrets she have kept in her eyes, trying to hide them from everybody around, although everybody knows that eyes gave a lot of secrets away. Even if you tried so hard to hide your fear, lust or sadness.. your eyes will betray your feelings, they always do that. So they walked along trough the woods, underneath the fences. They went so unobtrusive as possible to the square where there were a few people standing and watching the games. He stayed for a moment to check if Katniss was still alive. Marcy did not really seemed to care that much. Further they walked into the seam, where he stopped by to check on Katniss' family. He spoke a few words with Katniss her mother, before she closed the door. It's been awhile before Marcy said a thing but then her lovely voice spoke again: ''You care a lot,'' she said. He thought about it for a moment. She meant it as a compliment but he refused to smile, not knowing if it is whether a good thing to do or not. He could not help himself from looking in her eyes. This time she did not look away. She looked at him and discovered a sign of sadness in his eyes. ''You're strong,'' she said. He gave her a smile, a seductive smile. That kind that made your heart stops beating for a moment. ''That's the problem,'' he said, ''no one ever offers me a hand.'' Marcy did not know how to react so she gave him a smile. ''I need to go,'' she reminded him. She watched him nodding. ''I didn't actually catch your name, boy with snares.'' She made him smile again, showing his teeth this time. ''Gale,'' he answered. Marcy nodded and while she walked away she softly said: ''goodbye'' There was a hush in her whisper, a change in her tone. Neither said anything after that. The silence was the only one talking, he was left alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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