Chapter 17

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Lucy's POV-- 

"Ready?"Damian asked coming up to me after school. 

"As I will ever be." I answered. 

We walked down the sidewalks to the Wayne Manor. 



"What does your father think of me?He didn't really seem to like me when we first met."

"That is just my father. You can make a better impression on him tonight. I am sure that he will like you as much as I do."

"And how much is that?" 

He didn't say anything. I looked at him, his face was a rosy pink. I smiled and looked at my shoes. We walked up the steps of the manor. 

"Welcome Home Master Damian, Lady Quinzel." Alfred greeted. 

"Alfred, ease up a bit." Damian said. 

"Hello Alfred. How are you today?" 

"Quite lovely my lady. May I?" He gestured to my coat. 

I nodded and took off my backpack. He took off my coat and took my bag and walked away.  Damian was waiting for me. He smiled as I turned and looked at him. 

"Come on."  He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the house. We came to the library. It was full of many book. I couldn't imagine anyone actually reading every single one of them. 

"Why did you bring me here?" 

"For our project." 

"Oh, I let Alfred take my bag. I'll just go and get it." 

"No, Alfred can." 

"No, I am sure he is busy enough I can get it." 

"Lucy, It's his job." 

"Okay." I abruptly sat down. 

Damian walked out of the library and came back a few minutes later with my bag. 

"Lucy Quinzel what in the world do you put in here? Rocks?" 

I laughed. 

"Honestly Damian, I wasn't listening when she described the assignment."

"It's okay, I already have a plan, because I knew you weren't listening." 

"Thank goodness. I don't know what we would do if neither of us have an idea." 

He laughed. It was a laugh that I have never heard from him before. It actually for the first time seemed happy. 

We searched through encyclopedias and books on topics. After pages and pages of notes the library door opened. 

"Master Damian dinner is ready." 

"Thank you Alfred. You hungry Lucy?"


We got up and I followed Him and Alfred to the dinning room. Mr. Wayne wasn't there. 

Damian pulled out my chair and I sat. He sat next to me and Alfred gave us both a plate of food. The doors opened. 

"I am sorry I am late. Business." Mr. Wayne came in, "Oh hello Miss Quinzel, I wasn't aware that you were joining us." 

"I was not aware of that Mr. Wayne. I am truly sorry." 

"Do not be sorry Miss Quinzel. You are perfectly welcome." 

After Mr. Wayne sat down the table remained completely quiet. It was awkward. 

After several minutes of silence Mr. Wayne spoke up, "So, Damian, anything important at school today?"

"No. Nothing." Damian answered. 

"I see." Mr. Wayne commented. 

I slowly chewed my food. I glanced at my watch. 5:30p.m. 

"Do you have somewhere to be Miss Quinzel?" 

"actually yes, around 7, 7:30."

"We will make sure that you aren't late." 

"Thank you Mr. Wayne." 

He nodded. 

---   ---  ---   --- 

After another hour in the library, our project research was complete. My phone buzzed. 

Outside Manor, Anytime would be nice.

I glanced at the time, 7:10p.m. 

"You gotta go?"

"Ya, my ride is outside. Thank you so much for inviting me over for dinner." I quickly left the library and grabbed my coat. 

"Lucy. What about the project?"

"What about it?"

"Tomorrow. Do you want to meet at your house, say around 6:45?"

"Ya, that works." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left the manor. I walked out of the gate and down the side walk. I saw this car across the street. The lights flipped on and I saw Harley. I climbed into the passenger side of the car. 

"Finally," she said. She put the car in drive and floored the gas pedal. 

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