Love Interest (luke hemmings imagine)

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It's a cool spring night and your best friend harry is just coming back from touring with the rest of 1D. He decided to introduce you to the band he Ha been touring with, 5 seconds of summer. One of the boys hadn't taken their eyes off of you since you walked in. It was Luke the blonde haired boy with sparkling blue eyes. He was sexy af but you decided not to go there thinking someone like him would never like a girl like you. Louis and Niall had suggested to have a bonfire. Everyone agreed and Ashton and Harry decided to go set up the fire and had brought out chairs and blankets. They were one chair short so Calum gave up his spot next to Luke so u could sit next to him. As he got up to move he winked at Luke and punched his knee and had mouthed the words "your welcome" to him, thinking you didn't see. Luke had put his arm around you but you played it off thinking he was just relaxing. "Let's play truth or dare" said louis. Of course everyone else had agreed in on it. Louis started off "LUCAS truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to make out with Y/N" Luke smirked and turned towards you. Damn he is gorgeous. He leaned into you and your lips moved in sync with his. Childish 'ooos' echoed outside. When u guys had finished you were still gazing into each others eyes. He finally broke the stare and looked at louis who had a devilish grin on his face with his eyebrows raised "YOUR TURN MATE!" He shouted. Luke asked Harry "truth or dare".... The game continued on and you went inside to get yourself a sprite. When you got back Calum was back in your seat. You were about to go sit on the ground but Luke stopped you and patted his lap, you willingly sat on his lap as he wrapped his muscular arms around your waist to secure you and you had covered you two in a blanket. The 1D boys had all gone to bed. The 5sos boys decided to go for a swim. You remained seated on the patio Ashton yelled out to you "COME JOIN US Y/N" you shook your head. "C'mon" said Luke "Nooo". Luke had climbed out of the pool and started walking towards you. You looked up at him with a small grin and before you could say anything he took your phone out of ur hands and put it on the table and had thrown you over his shoulder. You were giggling and yelling as Luke jumped into the pool bringing you with him. You swam with them for a while until every one got out. All the boys had gone to bed and left you and Lucas to yourselves. It was dark outside so he decided to take you inside. He gave you his favorite Nirvana shirt and some basketball shorts so you quickly went to go change. You walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter Luke came in between your legs and rested his hands on your thighs moving them up to your sides as you rested yours around his neck and your guys' lips had met again. You wrapped your legs around Luke and he lifted you up and brought you to the couch never breaking the kiss. He was laying on top of you. He broke the kiss and maneuvered you so that you two were spooning him behind you. He put his arm around you and kissed your neck before bringing a blanket over the two of you. He lightly started singing Beside You while playing with your hair and rubbing his hands up and down your sides until you fell asleep.

*next morning*

You are awakened by the smell of food and childish noises from the other boys. They are screaming at luke saying "ooo lukey boy" "did u get some last night?" "U lucky bastard" "she's even wearing his clothes" you roll your eyes and turn around to cuddle into Luke's chest. He wraps his arms around your back and you straddle him with your legs. He kissed your head and mumbled words into your hair "lets go to Starbucks" you muzzle words back saying "but harry cooked us breakfast" "I don't give a fuck lets go get ready" before you could respond Luke was already up and going up the stairs. You got up and went upstairs to yours and Harry's room where you put your backpack because you knew you were going to spend the night. You changed into skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with converse. Luke walked into your room and threw his Ramones t shirt at you "I think this will look better on you" he winked and walked out shouting down the hall "I'll meet you in the car love." You quickly changed your shirt and took one last approving look in the mirror before running down the stairs and hugging harry to say goodbye. You stepped into the car and buckled your seatbelt (safety first kids). When u were all settled in Luke made eye contact with you, "you ready?" You smiled and nodded. Luke leaned in to kiss you and you returned it back. While Lucas was driving he would put his hand on your thigh and slowly move it up and down or rub small circles with his thumb. Occasionally you would stop him to hold his hand. When you arrived at Starbucks, Luke came around to open your door for you. He had already texted harry asking what your favorite drink was. He told you to go find you two a seat while he ordered your drinks. While Luke was waiting in line, this teenage boy came and sat down across from you. "Hey babe why so lonely?" He asked "excuse me?" "How about I take you out of here and we can go...some place more interesting" he winked at you and you said in disgust "I'm sorry I'm taken" "by who? I don't see anyone" "then turn around!" Luke was standing behind the boy. The boy stood up and Luke put the drinks down then punched the guy. The boy ran out with his face buried in his hands. You and Luke enjoyed your coffee before heading back home. When u guys got back the boys were gone but had set up something for you two.

They had left a note it read

<Hey Lucas, thought we could give you and Y/N another night *wink wink* so we decided to set up a little something for you two. Part one is in the living room, part two...on the patio ;) have a good time -the guys>

Luke led you to the living room where there was dim lighting and lot candles with a prepared dinner. You two ate and when you were done he took you to the couch an started to kiss you. He gently laid you down and rested his hand on your thigh as your lips as well as his disconnected and reconnected over and over again. He finally broke the kiss and said "I'll meet you on the patio babe" he winked at you then walked out the back doors. You remained laying there for a few minutes staring up at the ceiling smiling and thinking about his gorgeous blues eyes and his soft blonde hair. After a few minutes you decide to get up and walk onto the patio. You saw Luke shirtless and just in his basketball shorts lounging on a lawn chair on his phone. He put his phone down and walked over to you. He towered over you, looking down and bringing his hands to your waist. He bent down and whispered into ur ear "your going to have to remove some of these clothes if you wanna go into the hot tub" you took a quick glance to see that the hot tub had had rose petals in it and candles around it. You heard soft music playing in the background. You began to reach at the rim of the shirt you were wearing and he stopped you and said, "let me help you with that ;)" with that Luke helped lift the shirt over your head and throw it aside he kissed you again. "Your so beautiful." You blushed and ran your hand across Luke's abdomen, with that you pushed him aside and walked over to the chair and removed your pants leaving you in your undergarments. Luke had gotten into the tub waiting for you. You got in and he wrapped his arm around you. You looked up at him and he looked down at you, gazing into your eyes. He started to move in towards you and your reflexes told you to wrap your hands around his neck. He adjusted you to sit on his lap to straddle him with your legs and his hands on your back as you two were pressed chest to chest. You two kissed and then spent a large amount of time in each others arms. Luke moved you over to the side of the tub where the boys had set up chocolate covered strawberries and welches wine (you were able to drink but you weren't a fan of alcohol). You guys went back and forth feeding each other and had even done the adorable thing where you cross your arms over each others to drink. When you guys had finished, the song Quando Quando Quando by Michael Buble came on and Luke had gotten out and extended his hand out to you "may I have this dance?" He asked. You smiled at him and he helped you out of the hot tub. He rested one hand on your waist and the other in yours while yours was on his shoulder. You two danced until the song was over, his lips meeting yours once again. The both of you decided to dry off then go back inside.

You two walk in the house, still somewhat wet. You walk towards the fireplace in the living room and Luke brings you both coffee. You're both still standing together and he wraps his arms as well as towel around the both of you. He bends down to you so that your lips meet and move together in sync. He brought you two over to the couch where you sat next to each other his strong arm wrapped tightly around you. You rested your head on his shoulder till you started to feel tired, you laid down so your head was in his lap. You looked up at him and he smiled down at you. He took your hand and played with your fingers. You turned onto one side while he took his hand and moved it up and down your side before beginning to play with your hair. You closed your eyes and he leaned down to kiss your cheek. You fell asleep in your boyfriends lap and in that moment you felt that he could be your last.

Love Interest (luke hemmings imagine)Where stories live. Discover now