// Chapter One

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My House

Thursday, 25th July 2013 8:11am

Slowly, I opened my eyes. The sharp slice of sunlight pierced through a tiny, triangular crack at the top of my navy blue curtains, which somehow managed to illuminate the white walls of my bedroom, burning my eyes in the process. I flopped my left arm over my eyes, letting out a depressed groan. Why could I never sleep in? Well, I guess I’m just a morning person. Turning to see my digital clock on my bedside, I checked the time. 8:11 am.

I pushed back my covers and threw myself out of bed, remembering I was alone. My parents went away to Wales yesterday evening for their anniversary and were staying for a week, and my two older twin brothers – Jake and John – were at University over in Edinburgh at the moment. What a way to spend my first day of the summer holidays. On the plus side, I was going to see my best friend ever today. The thought of him immediately made me feel warm inside and I couldn’t stop the grin spreading across my face. My bare feet buried into the soft, dark blue carpet as I stared straight ahead. A year ago, I had moved schools to a fancy private school to go to sixth form there. My dad had insisted, and despite my protests, I reluctantly agreed, even though that meant leaving behind my friends. Lucky for me, Connor only lived a five minute walk away, but I had hardly even seen him since he joined a new boy band. The Vamps.

I shuffled into the bathroom directly opposite my room, stopping for a few seconds to stare at the picture of me on the wall. My year 10 school picture with the navy blue uniform and my hair strategically brushed to cover my ears. I remember how genuine that smile was. The day after I’d gotten my braces off, so I wanted to show off my teeth. Thinking about it, it was probably one of the best pictures ever taken of me. Yeah. Poppy Duncan. Seventeen years old. The stereotypical shy blonde. That’s me.

Connor’s House

Thursday, 25th July 2013 5:46pm

Ah, finally.

I turned up Connor’s road, carrying a small overnight duffel bag and my guitar case. Con had invited me to stay for two nights around his house while my parents were away and he had a few days off. Although we hadn’t seen each other in about four months, we still had regular Facebook chats and texted each other whenever we could. Immediately, I could see a short figure leaning against a fence outside Connor’s house. The figure looked up from his phone and waved. I waved back, walking a little faster and smiling when I saw my friend starting to walk towards me. “Mr. Connor Ball!” I grinned, enveloping him in a hug. The boy didn’t say anything but I could tell he was smiling. “How the hell are you?” he asked, pulling away and taking my bag from my hands and showing off his pearly white teeth.

“Great!” I was ecstatic at seeing my old friend. Connor and I had been friends from day one, one my first day of school reading a book on guitars when he approached me, we started talking about music and from then on the rest is history. We had grown as musicians together, improving and expanding to how many instruments we could play, doing gigs as a duo and entering talent contests, but it was all just for fun. Now that Connor had joined this new band, he was diving deep into real music. Not just two pre-teen kids strumming along and singing to whichever random songs we wanted.

“What about you?” I asked, picking up my bags and swinging my guitar case over my shoulder. “Smashing now that you’re here.” Connor put on his Scottish accent which made me giggle.

I strode towards the house, following Connor through the drive way, but there were no cars.

“Nobody home?” I asked.

“Mum and dad have gone to drop of the brother at their friend’s house for a sleepover and they were gonna stop for a cup of tea,” Connor told me, “They insisted we have some time alone to catch up and all that.” He opened the front door to the house. “Welcome, to my manor!” Connor swung open the door and widened his arms, presenting the hallway. I laughed and stepped in, wiping my black converses on the mat on the floor. The walls were newly painted a sort of off-white colour and had a huge mirror to the right as you walked in. “Very nice...” I nodded my head in approval and placed my guitar case and backpack down by the door to the living room where Connor had put my duffel bag.

“C’mon, I’ve got to introduce you to Rex!” Connor said enthusiastically, grabbing me by the arm and leading me up the stairs to the first door on the left. His bedroom was painted white, guitars hanging above his single bed. A black bass guitar was leaning on a stand at the bottom of his bed. We had passed Rex’s tank which was outside Connor’s bedroom in the top floor hallway, so Con rushed out to get him as I sat on the edge of his bed and gazed around the room which hadn’t really changed much since the last time I’d been in there. Con came back in with Rex sitting in his hands.


“Rex is the maaannnnn...” Connor kept murmuring to himself - putting on his Scottish accent again – as he left the room to put the bearded dragon away in his tank. I laughed when Connor returned, still muttering to himself about how brilliant Rex was.

“Now that I’ve met Rex, I think I should be able to meet the rest of your band!” I straightened my shirt, not looking up at my friend as he collapsed down on the bed beside me.

“Well,” he began, “They actually happen to be coming around tomorrow.” He grinned at me. “Really?” I responded immediately, my head bolting straight up to analyse Connor’s face for lies. He knew I wanted to meet them, and knowing him he would probably just be kidding me, but seemingly not. “You invited them here just to meet me?” I blushed slightly. “Well, they said they weren’t doing anything and they’re all just as desperate to meet you, so I invited them over to stay and do a bit of band practise, too.” Con picked his phone up from the bedside table and checked the time, “We never really do much practise any way.” He looked up from the white glow of his phone to wink at me. “Hey, it’s quarter past six. Movie and Pizza?” Con asked me, already dialling the pizza place’s number knowing what I would answer. Out of Connor’s DVD collection I found the movie ‘Identity Thief’ which I hadn’t seen yet, but apparently it was pretty good. I slid the disk into Connor’s TV. “Ok- Thanks!” Con hung up and flung his phone onto the bed next to him as he lay full out, taking up all the room. “Hey, move over!” I gave him a playful push so he moved his legs, allowing me to sit down and press play. “I got one margarita pizza and two meat lovers.” He told me as the first credits began to roll on the TV.

“Three pizzas?” I laughed, propping a cushion up so I didn’t have to lean my back on the wall.

“Of course. I’m a hungry young man...” Connor shielded his head as I chucked another spare pillow at him. “You greedy pig!” I giggled, settling down to watch the movie, realising a grin had hardly left my face since Connor told me he’d invited the band over.


Hi everyone c:

This is my first time posting on Wattpad, and I have worked pretty hard on this so far, and because it is only the first chapter and a little bit of a 'warm up', I guess, I will be uploading the next chapter asap!

Thanks for reading everyone!

Cat xxx

Loving You More [ The Vamps Fanfiction / Tristan Evans ]Where stories live. Discover now