// Chapter Three

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Connor’s House

Friday, 27th July 2013 7:40am

I sat on the sofa, clutching my stomach with laughter. “Aha- ah- and then- and then he fell over again!” James managed to get out in between uncontrollable laughs, making all of us scream with laughter even more. “Stop! Stop!” Brad squeaked, wiping his streaming eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. I was relieved that the sandwich making the evening before had worn off all the awkwardness between the group and ever since then we had sat in the living room and fooled around, staying up all night playing music, singing loudly and laughing louder, telling stories and just generally getting to know each other. I’m surprised Connor’s parents hadn’t strangled us yet from all the noise we were making, but it was great fun hanging around with these boys. Finally, I managed to stop laughing and leaned back on the sofa. It felt just like I’d had a proper work out as my stomach muscles were aching from everything, and my cheeks were tight from where my mouth had been in a permanent smile. A loud knock at the door interrupted Connor just as he opened his mouth to say something. “I’ll get it...” he muttered, standing up and disappearing out of the doorway. “Poppy! Guess who it is?” I heard Connor shouting from the front door. Standing up, I took a peek down the hall way, and saw a person silhouetted behind Connor.

“Noah?” I asked, making my way over.

“Hey, Sunshine!” I heard his raspy, familiar voice.

“Noah!” I squealed, bounding the last step towards him. He embraced me like he always did, my old school friend, but the top of my head only reached the bottom of his chest now. I hadn’t seen him for about as long as I hadn’t seen Connor, but he’d changed a lot: obviously taller, no more braces and his mousy brown hair was longer and styled into a sort of quiff, similar to James’ but still shorter than his. “It’s been forever!” I grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside.

“Why are you up so early, mate?” Connor asked.

“I came by just to say how you and the others have kept me up all FREAKING night with your loud music!” he complained in a slightly jokey tone, rubbing his eyes with his free hand as we walked towards the living room. Come to think of it, he did look pretty tired. I wouldn’t of thought anyone outside the house could hear it. I turned into the living room where the other three were still laughing, but they fell silent when Noah walked through. “Oh, hey Noah.” Brad smiled.

“Hey.” Noah replied, not moving into the room. I sat down again next to James where I was before, and Con stayed standing with his neighbour. “What you doing around here so early?” asked Tris, stretching his arms above his head and yawning.

“Well, you guys kept me up all night with your music.” He repeated, making the others laugh a bit. “In fact, I best get back and actually try to get some rest.” Noah said, rubbing the back of his head lazily, “Just keep it down, kay?” he grinned. “Nice seeing you all again. You too, Poppy.” He nodded in my direction and turned around to leave. We all yelled our goodbyes, then remembered what he said about keeping it down and ended up erupting into quieter chuckles.


“She’s gonna flip out!” I said as we walked along Connor’s street, heading towards Hannah’s house. “Brace yourself, James.” I looked up at him and giggled. We turned up her drive and I knocked on her door, the boys standing behind me. Her mum answered a minute later. “Oh, Poppy!” she cried, spreading her arms wide open to hug me, “I haven’t seen you in so long!”

“It’s good to see you too, Mrs. Fairbanks.” I smiled, “Is Hannah in?” I hardly finished my sentence before I heard a loud thump. A split second later, Hannah was racing down the hall, pulling on her army-style jacket and her shoes half on without the shoe laces even done up properly. “I’m here! Bye mum!” she shouted, diving straight into me. Finally, she pulled away and turned around, freezing as she made eye contact with the boys. “Um... who are they?” Hannah squeaked. I didn’t answer. “Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing the Vamps?” she asked again, still not moving.

“Hey.” James waved casually. Hannah burst into a fit of excited squealing and giggling.

“You okay?” asked Brad as she finally calmed down. They each introduced themselves, and I swear she nearly fainted when James smiled at her. I sat by, hardly able to breathe because of the laughter. “Cinema time?” Tristan asked, gesturing out the drive.

“Let’s go!” I grabbed Hannah’s arm and pulled her out front with me.

Town Centre

Friday, 27th July 2013 1:23pm

After the movie, Hannah and I insisted on dragging the boys into various shops. Connor and Brad left to go get some KFC and James went with them to find some salad and orange juice for himself, so Tristan was stuck with us. I payed for a mint green jumper as Hannah tried on some shoes a few meters away. “Looks nice.” Tris came up behind me. As I turned around he had a flowery dress held up against himself as if trying it on, “What do you think?” he asked, spinning around and pulling a duck face. I laughed and raised an eyebrow, “Hmmm... not really your style.” I picked up a tight black mini skirt and white tank top, “Try this.” I passed it to Tris. “Ahhh! You fashion guru, it’s perfect!” he pretended to look stunned at the outfit, placing everything back on the line he got it from.

“Hey, I was thinking...” Tristan began, “I asked the guys and they said it was okay. Would you like to come into London with us tomorrow? I mean, I heard your parents were away, so it wouldn’t make a difference-“ I interrupted Tris half way through his sentence, “Only under one condition.” I said, internally screaming. The incredibly gorgeous Tristan Evans had just invited me to go to London with him and his other – also gorgeous – band mates. “Yes?” Tris eyed me, “Hannah comes with us.” I grinned. “Fine! But yes, you’ll come?” he asked as Hannah approached. I nodded, feeling myself turning red slightly. “Heyyyyy...” Hannah looked at the two of us sideways, “What’s going on between you two?” she asked suggestively.

“Quit it Hannah!” I laughed, “We’re going to London tomorrow! Tris just invited me and you’re allowed to come along, too.” I said, my best friend already uncontrollably squealing like a crazed fangirl. Perfect.


Another chapter c:

Let me know if you're enjoying reading this! It should hopefully be getting a bit more interesting soon if it isn't enough already, don't worry xp

I also don't mind constructive critisism on my writing if you really think there is something I could do better, and it just helps me improve, so I'd rather someone helped me out!

Again, thanks for reading!

Cat xxx

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