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song!! rosy_Damn, if you didn't want me back

Never in a million years did you ever think that you would be the lucky girl who got to tell and brag to everyone about yours and Jimin's relationship. Never did you for once think that perhaps you could make a good couple and you weren't living in some childish fantasy where you could call him yours and he could call you his.

Over the course of the past year and a half, you had you eyes set out for Jimin even though a year ago you were convinced you were "out of his league" and that he would never go for "your type". Nonetheless that didn't stop you from giving every 11:11 wish for you to somehow cross paths and end up together like some cheesy teen-romance movie or a shitty tumblr fanfic.

Regardless, you were absolutely smitten with him and you couldn't help how sometimes you would get overridden with jealousy when his attention strayed away from you.

Now don't be mistaken, you're not some attention-whore who wants anyone and everyone's eyes but something about the looks people gave him, their wandering eyes looking him up and down, hungry for a piece, set you on edge. Seeing Jimin lock eyes with someone else for a split second longer than what could be perceived as "normal", would be enough to set you off. You would start to feel pressure build in your head and the insides of your body start to tingle, and not in a good way.

The feeling would spread from the tips of your fingers into your palms making them quake and jitter. The feeling would course through your body at a mere glance spared towards any other girl. Like that really popular girl in the year above, or that really nice girl in the year below. Your hands would tremor and twitter as if you were standing outside in -2 degree weather but your body would start to get all hot and bothered (stob it). The feeling running through you was indescribable (unbeleivebubble) but all you knew was you would be filled to the brim with such immense jealousy and anger that sometimes the only way to stay calm and not combust into a pile of flames was to clench you fists tightly and count to 10.

Whenever it got too much sometimes your nails would pierce the skin in you palms and leave you with dots of blood thats would soon ooze out into you palm and create pools of blood, but you were always discreet and kept tissue on hand (punny lol).

Of course you didn't want to feel this way, it made you feel absolutely rotten that you still couldn't fully trust Jimin. You knew that was where your relationship had its most major weakness. Every loving relationship is based on a foundation of trust, trusting that person to look out for you, help you and be there for you...

Why is it that you couldn't be that way with Jimin? Why were you always questioning him? You couldn't understand it yourself if you were being honest. You sometimes thought to yourself whether this "relationship" was even healthy, was it even worth it. Worth the headache and worry that forced itself upon you...

After-all, Jimin was oblivious and you were borderline obsessed.

-leaves the comments saying what you thunk :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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