Chapter 6

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A/N: who are y'all rooting for in the super bowl? I really hate both teams this year but... LADY GAGA SO

Clark was the only contact that she KNEW could get her in to see the powerful CEO, so she sent him a quick text, then went to find Winn at his desk. He was playing computer games as she walked up, so she stalked quietly behind his chair before popping out and scaring him. The poor techie nearly jumped out of his skin with a shrill screech, clutching at his chest as he gasped for breath.


But Kara was doubled over, laughing so hard she could barely stand straight.

"What are you even doing here? Aren't the journalist across the hall? And don't you have work?"

Kara finally stopped giggling to answer his question

"I'm still waiting for Clark-"

Her phone buzzed and cut her off mid sentence, and she checked it to see that her cousin had gotten her in to see Lena. Winn looked at her expectantly, but Kara was too engrossed in her text so he went back to his Tetris.

"Um... sorry Winn I just had to get an interview for a piece I'm doing about the Metallo attacks, see you at the DEO tonight right?"

Winn nodded, laser focused on his game as Kara rolled her eyes with a gentle laugh, and walked towards the exit so she could get to L Corp for her meeting.

She  made it out to the street and started walking down the crowded sidewalk on her way to L corp. Kara arrived almost an hour early, but she guessed that early was better than late, and that would give her some time to decide what she was going to ask Lena. She entered the cold steel building, the familiar surroundings that reminded her of her trip with Kal-El a few days ago that still played in her mind. Kara rode the elevator up to the secretary under the large steel "L" who was furiously typing again, as if Kara was having weird dejavú, except this time it was just her. She walked up to the desk, clearing her throat to catch the woman's attention, and the woman looked at her expectantly.

"Hi... I'm um Kara Danvers, Clark Kent called a little while ago about meeting Ms. Luthor?"

The woman smiled warmly at her, which caught Kara off guard in the dark, cold building

"Of course! Anything for Mr. Kent, you can go wait in Ms. Luthor's office now. She's in a meeting but she should be done early and can meet you then."

Kara nodded gratefully before turning down the hall and walking cautiously and timidly towards the large steel door that led to Lena's office. They were easy for her to open as she slipped inside the stunning, yet quite glass office. She was looking down at her notes as she entered, but Kara's thoughts were interrupted as she heard someone clear their throat.

She looked up, startled, to see Lena Luthor sitting at the desk in front of her, look at Kara with an almost... amused look? Kara scrambled backwards, apologize tumbling from her mouth

"Oh my goodness Ms. Luthor I'm so sorry- I didn't- they said you were in a meeting- I'll go- oh my goodness sorry-"

Lena cut her off quickly, definitely amused by the flustered woman who stood before her.

"Ms. Danvers it's fine. And please, call me Lena. I finished the meeting very early so I came here to wait for you, it's fine."

Kara nodded, pulling herself together and trying not to be intimidated by the green eyed CEO who sat before her.

"Well if I'm calling you Lena..."

"Kara it is. So tell me Kara, why exactly are you here? I got quite the interesting call from Mr. Kent this morning on your behalf."

Kara nodded, a small smile making her way to her lips

"Yes, I thought about what you said and... I'm deciding to give journalism a try. My family has always been close to the Supers so-"

Lena stopped her before she could continue her well thought out lie.

"So you wanted to hear why the prodigy of a famous anti-alien family saved Super-girl and how?"

Kara flushed bright pink staring at her lap before nodding timidly.

"Well Kara, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am not my family. While yes, I'm not wildly pro-alien, there are bad aliens and there are good aliens. The important part is being able to distinguish the difference."

Kara looked up from her laugh to study the curious woman who sat before her. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she wore her signature bright red lipstick, but there was something more to the way she was looking at Kara, she seemed... hopeful. Kara knew that after saving a Super (technically herself) this article could make or break Lena, this was the article that could finally free her from her family's bad name. The hopefulness in her eyes and the desperate nature of her unspoken need made Kara realize that she couldn't imagine how this woman could be evil, how she could ever want bad.

So she decided she would give Lena Luthor a chance.

A/N: BOI if you came for gay, I'm just getting warmed up.

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