Chapter 9

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A/N: The song up there^^ is the one Lena is listening to, it's one of my favorites so I had to include it... oops?

Kara loved night. There was something about the vast darkness and the scattering of stars and planets that reminded her she was not alone. She thought of all the planets, and the lives, and aliens in the universe, most unseen by the human eye.

Kara sighed as she landed on the balcony of L Corp, still thinking of the life she left behind as she looked at the familiar mahogany haired head. Lena hadn't heard Super-girl enter, and she was still hunched over her desk, and Kara could hear music playing lightly in the background.

It was a sad, haunting tune, and Kara listened for a few moments before approaching Lena and clearing her throat quietly.

The CEO jumped in her chair, a squeal escaping her lips as she whipped around, the panic evident in her eyes. She calmed visibly, re-instituting her cold, intimidating facade as she realized who stood before her, but Kara couldn't help but notice a hint of glimmering awe in Lena's green eyes.

"Good evening Super-girl, what are you doing here?"

Kara had to remember that she wasn't Kara to Lena right then, and she would have to regain her trust once again, and began thinking on the spot.

"I'm here to...thank you."

Lena looked at her in shock, raising her eyebrow in question

"And what exactly for? I'm just a Luthor."

Kara had a difficult time not breaking character as she heard Lena sad admission once again.

"Ms. Luthor, you saved my life. It doesn't matter what your family name is, if you hadn't stunned Metallo, I would be dead."

Kara tried to stay stoic in front of the CEO, but she was still incredibly grateful for what Lena had done for her, and Kara couldn't help but melt a little as Lena looked down at her hands and blushed gently.

"Also, I really like this song, whats it called?"

Lena looked up at Super-girl, laughing gently, letting her facade down like she had done earlier with Kara in the coffee shop.

"Its 'Sometimes I Wished I Could Fall Asleep' by the Twilight Sad. They're a band that remind me of home."

Kara looked at her in slight confusion

"The singer sounds Scottish though?"

"I was born in Ireland and lived in a group home in Scotland until I was ten years old... it just reminds me of different times is all."

Kara watched as Lena flinched, her body language becoming more rigid as she quickly corrected herself, trying to maintain aloof.

"I shouldn't unload all of this on you honestly it's just a song. Thank you for coming to thank me, even though I presume that's not the only reason you are here."

Kara was speechless for a moment, Lena's sudden change of tone catching her off guard, especially since Lena was right. The Luthor woman took Super-girls lack of response as an answer enough.

"If this has anything to do with those cops who were meddling in my business, I will have no part of it. None. I told them to stay out of my problems, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself."

Kara continued to feel stunned by Lena's harsh comment, but found herself getting defensive

"Hey they are just trying to take care of you!"

Lena cocked her eyebrow up again

"So I was right?"

Kara sighed in frustration, before sitting on Lena's sofa. Lena looked at her curiously, eyebrow still raised as she sat beside the Super.

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