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This chapter is dedicated to Shazz99 thanks for the likes hun i really appreciate it

Regina POV

I hurried to Granny's rushing to get there I walked in kinda outta breath "Sorry guys I'm late" I said walking inside "Hey Regina you made it " Ruby said running up to me catching me in a big hug "of course Ruby your my bestfriend I wouldn't miss this for the world" I smiled " Hi love its good to see you here" Killian said "hey Killian you better take care of my bestfriend and I mean it I said looking at him with a serious look on my face " I will I promise he holding his hand up I nodded my head in approval I looked over Killian's shoulder and saw Emma talking to some blonde headed girl "Ummm who is the girl with Emma" I said eye killing her "oh that's Ashley " Ruby replied I went over to the drink bowl I took the bottle of the stuff Mr. Gold gave me I poured it in her cup and grabbed one for me I walked over to her "Hey Emma I got you a drink I said glaring at Ashley "Hey Emma ill catch you later Ashley said walking away I gave Emma her cup "thanks Regina " the blonde said drinking every last drop I watched her eyes from green to pink then back to green "Hey mom your here "Henry came running up to me "oh hey hun" the place looks great you guys did a good job" I said kissing his cheek "who is this" he asked looking up at Emma "This is Emma, Emma this is my son Henry .

She shook his hand but she didn't seem okay she seemed shy her hand started shaking "Emma are you okay I said touching her shoulder she jumped frightened "Umm I'm so-sorry I gotta go Emma ran out the dinner in the rain "is Miss. Emma okay mom" Henry said " I don't Henry lets get you home though you have school in the morning Henry nodded his head and we walked out into the ran covering us in with my umbrella when we got home Henry got ready for bed and I had some work I needed to attend to I was filling out some paperwork when I heard a knock at my door I looked at my watch 1:00am my eyes widen to the time I didn't realize how long I've been working I heard the door again I walked to the door opening it I was shocked who was on the other side of the door.


"What are you doing here its pouring out here" Emma clothes were dripping wet "I'm sorry but I lost my key in the rain and Mary Margret is with David for the week I didn't know where to go" the blonde stuttered from the coldness and from the rain she ran into my arms putting her face into my neck she was whining that's when I knew that the stuff Gold gave my was kicking in I walked Emma upstairs I checked on Henry quickly to see if he was still sleeping I went into my room where Emma was sitting on my bed playing with her fingers "Emma" I said softly "ye-yes ma'am" she replied ma'am did she just call me wow that stuff is something else " let's get you in the shower okay" I offered she nodded her head yes I walked her to my bathroom upstairs "here's a towel you can use and a washcloth" I handed it to her I was about to leave when she stopped me "Regina wait" she muttered "yes Emma" I replied "can you please shower with me" I looked at her for a moment and nodded my head yes I removed my clothes I looked up at Emma her mouth was wide open with shock "close your mouth dear you don't wanna catch flies I giggled she closed her mouth and blushed hard she removed her clothes
kinda covering herself with her arms I turned the shower on getting in Emma followed and tripped a little bit I held her waist so she wouldn't fall I tightened my grip around her waist she placed her arms around my neck "Regina what's happening to me I feel so venerable around you right now so weak and I don't know what to do you just look different in my eyes I don't want no one but you" she said to me in a light voice I grabbed Emma's face putting my lips to her's taking in every taste of her I kissed her untill my lungs couldn't take anymore " I thought I was supposed to be washing" Emma smiled "oh right" I said biting my bottom lip "would you like to wash me 'the blonde offered I nodded my head yes grabbed the soap leaving every inch untouched.

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