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Hi guys sorry about the delay had to go out of town but anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter

" But We Could be the horizon, I'll let you love me harder than a diamond"

Regina POV

" I have to pick Henry up from school in an hour do you want to call your friend and see if she will let you use her key so we can get you some clothes" I asked Emma as we were getting dress I just threw on some yoga pants and a tank top and some white Vans "Yeah that would be perfect I don't want to take all your clothes" Emma smiled " Oh trust me dear I love you in them " Emma looked down blushing biting her bottom lip after Emma got dress she went ahead downstairs to call her friend when I made my way down she was waiting by the door "she said we can meet her at Granny's" the wonderful because I am starving" I said walking her out the door


When we got to Granny's Emma went to her friend she seems nice I'm glad Emma has someone besides me I walked up to Ruby " Hey Ruby can I please get a two grill cheese and two root beers to go" I smiled " coming right up Regina I looked behind me and saw Emma's friend whispering looking at me and elbowing her side Emma lightly pushed her blushing looking at me to I did a little smirk and turned back around " Here you go Regina hey do you and Emma want to have a girls night tonight" Ruby asked handing me our food " I'm sorry Rubs but I have no one to watch henry tonight maybe this weekend" I offered she nodded her head and went back to work I walked over to Emma " Hey are you ready to go' I asked she showed me the keys nodding her head yes she hugged her friend once more and we made our way to her apartment.

When we got there I help Emma pack her stuff she walked over to her bed and layed down I walked over sitting beside her I moved a strain of her golden hair out of her face "are you okay princess' I asked her " I'm fine" she trying not to make  herself cry I could see the wall she was about to put up "Emma look at me" I said looking at her she was hiding something the blonde girl turned her head her green eyes were glossing from the tears that were forming "what's the matter Emma" I asked " Regina please don't leave me" Emma crawled  up to me wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck holding me tight I hugged her back "I could never leave you little one why in the world would you even think about something like that" I asked with a  concerned " because Regina anyone I end up caring about always leaves me alone" when she said  that Robin popped up in my head reminding me what he did and what he did I could never do to Emma I grabbed Emma face so she was looking into my eyes " I promise I will never leave you okay" Emma nodded her head " Lets eat" I said after we ate we went on our way to get Henry

Henry came running out of the school " Henry don't run dear you'll hurt yourself I yelled but he kept running boys will be boys I told myself " Hey mom hey Emma" he hugged us both we started walking back home " hey mom" Henry called my name " yes son" I replied " do you remember when you were with Robin and how happy he made you" I looked at Henry trying to understand why he asked me this " yes Henry I remember" he just nodded his head and didn't say anything else after that looked up at Emma I could tell she was hurt.

When we got home Emma ran upstairs " Henry go do your homework ill be down soon to fix dinner" he nodded his head and went into the kitchen "Emma wait" I ran after her she ran into the bathroom in my room locking the door " Emma get your ass out of there now I don't not have time for this juvenile behavior" I yelled I cant stand disobedience it doesn't work well with me at all she still doesn't do as I say " Emma I'm going to count to three if you don't open this door your punishment will be worse than it already is" I explained 1......2....."Emma open the door" -nothing-....3 " fine I already told I'm going downstairs to fix dinner when your ready for your punishment you may come down dear' I left and went into the kitchen I helped Henry with his homework fixed dinner and got him into bed after I was done cleaning I went into the living room and worked on some paperwork due to me staying home today I was behind I was looking over some papers when I heard someone on the stairs I looked up and saw it was Emma I noticed she changed her clothes she had on a big T-shit and her hair in a top but I don't think she had anything on under it I bit my lip to keep my mind at ease she was looking a scared I got up and walk up to her slowly I was close enough to kiss her without having to take a step " put your hair down' I whispered she took at deep breath taking her hair out and letting her golden maine fall down her back I fixed it up moving a few strains here and there " Now I want you to go  back upstairs Neal in front of the bed and wait until I get up there do you understand Emma I explained  she looked at my with her captivating green eyes " Yes Regina I understand she walked upstairs without say another word.

Emma POV

I walked upstairs following Regina's directions when she said she would punish me I didn't really understand what she meant but for some heated reason it made me really wet I was sad because Henry brought up Robin and I know what he did to her I really felt bad because I want to make her happy I went into the bed room and did what she asked and what seem like hours were minutes Regina came in the bed room my breathing quickened " Emma do you know why your being punished" Regina said close to my ear causing Goosebumps on my neck  I was nervous and scared and excited all at once I shock my head no " because when I asked you to come out od the bathroom you didn't so now I want you to get on the bed and get on all fours okay" Regina said kissing on my neck I nodded and did what she asked I got on the bed on all fours " Emma I going to spank you and I want you to count okay" I nodded again a hash pain shot to my ass I bit my lip gripping the sheets 1 I was able to say then another hit 2 then three more hits  3 ......4.....5 " good girl Emma your doing good she hit me harder I screamed and moaned because it hurts but it felt good when she was done  I got on top of her and started grinding on her thigh she held my waist pulling my down I rotated my hips more I moaned her name " Regina please please" I grabbed her hand and moved it to my core she started playing with my bundle of nerve " Faster I'm almost there Regina" I was almost at my peak then she stopped " no no no please don't do this" I whined "I'm sorry dear but your still on punishment she kissed my forehead and left the room leaving my body in heat.

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