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After class, Phil and Pj waited for Dan outside of the room, as promised. The two boys smiled at Dan, who gave then a half-hearted smirk in return. "Alright Daniel, ready to meet our pose?" Phil asked him, probably too enthusiastically. He nodded and held onto the straps of his backpack. Peej snickered and started walking to the north side of the school. 

"Phil, please never call us your pose... ever again," Pj said, walking up the stairs. Phil giggled, giggled, and followed the curly-haired boy up the stairs. At the top of the stairs waited a group of teens, each waiting eagerly for the 3 to arrive. They made small talk with each other, a laugh being exchanged every now and then. When said 3 boys arrived, they were welcomed with large smiles. "Hey dudes," Peej said, a matching smile on his mug. "This here is Dan, he's new to the school. Dan, this 'ere is Louise, Felix, Jack, Marzia, and Troye." They waved at Dan, their smiled becoming more welcoming. Dan awkwardly waved back, his sleeves falling down his arms. He quickly pushed them back as he was dragged into the circle. Everyone was laughing and talking with each other, but all he could think about was how everyone had seen his scattered scars-which they had not- and how they probably all talking about how Dan was disgusting and gross; but, in reality, they were really talking about the newest episode of Buffy and that girl in grade 12 who never wore a bra to class. 

"Hey Dan, d'you watch Buffy?" A larger blonde girl asked Dan. She had friendly green eyes, and the tips of her long hair were dyed bright pink. Dan smiled a bit and nodded, with caused the girl to clap her hands together excitedly. "Oh, how wonderful. By the way, I'm Louise." The blonde, Louise, came to stand next to Dan. "I know were a bit loud, love, but we're alright after we've calmed down," she said softly, which relieved Dan in the slightest. She took him by the wrist and led him over to the side. "You've already met me, obviously. The one with the green hair is Jack, Felix is the one with the horrid haircut, Marzia's the one next to him, and then Troye is the one over there with the 'edgy' nose ring," she explained, pointing to each as she described them. Dan nodded, already forgetting half of what she just told him, and looked at his phone.

"Oh, uh, I've got to go to my next class. It was nice to meet you," Dan said quietly as he left the circle. He headed down the staircase and as he neared the end of it, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He looked around and was greeted by a pair of blue eyes; Phil. Dan stopped walking and looked at Phil, his eyebrows arched slightly.

"You didn't think I was going to let you walk off and get lost, did you? Let me walk you to your next class," the blue-eyed boy said before walking off, leaving Dan to stare at his great... backpack. 


i hope you all enjoyed a longer chapter. sorry i have been unactive, a lot has happened recently. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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