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"So you will be sharing a room with two different girls." She said.
As I followed her into the house. Mom and Kate left . The lady's name was DeDe can be Debbie but officially densie .

When I walked in the house the first thing that hit me was the slow music.

On one side there was a piano with chairs in a circle .

Then on the other side was Like a window room with art stuff and another piano .

The place was quite other than the slow music .

I hadn't realized I zoned out till Dede was snapping in my face.

"Hey kid come on so your first roommate her name is Ella she is usually friendly but she has bad night mares both of them do. But she has a panic disorder. The second one is Dillon she doesn't talk . You can try an talk to her but she won't talk back. She is clausterphobic . Its bad so just stay out her space. Every morning all members have breakfast in the dining room . So be up by 8:00 . Every Tuesday and Thursday's we have group therapy . Monday and Wednesday we have idea day. On Fridays its a free day. Every two weeks you get a doctors visit. And yeah so any questions." She finished I had barely caught on .

She stared at me waiting for a reply . When she didn't get one she started up the stairs.

I just followed efficiently .

"Um ah what if one of them have a night tares what do I do." I asked struggling to get the words out.

She looked me up and down once more before saying.

'Figure it out use your imagination.'

We went down a long hall way before going up a next flight of stairs.

Oh god I'm not sure if u can be doing all of this.

We stopped at . I didn't even notice.

"This is it.Dinner will be ready in an hour I think the girls are taking showers which is down the hall. Remeber Ella has panic attacks and Dillon is claustrophobic. "

I was about to open the door before.

"Of and Annie try an stay opened minded most patients say its good to be opened minded about everything."

I just nodded be opened minded got it.

I walked in turned and to close the door.

I turned to see two girls. One was painting a girl crying the other was reading a book.

They stopped what doing and stared at me like I was the weridest thing on earth.

Then all of a sudden the one painting jumps up and claps her hands.

"You must be Annie , Debbie told you'll becoming ."

I just nod lost for words . My Mom already called even with out my knowledge . Mom of the year am I right.

"Oh how rude of me I'm Ella that's Dillon ." She points out

"I'm Annie - oh wait you already knew that sorry ." I struggle to talk.

She just smiles I turn my head to see Dillon reading.

"Um can you show me where the restroom is I haven't taken a shower in 24 hours." I ask Ella.

"Oh was just going to go take one myself ."

I get my stuff out the suitcase and follow her out the room.

We walked down the hall in silence .Until she turned to me and smiled.

"So Annie what's your story ."

I shurgged my shoulders.
'What do you mean?'

'Like why are you here, I mean this is a mental home .' She points out.

I hestetied for a moment I mean I JUST meet her.

"Um well ...' I started but she cut me off.

'If you tell me then I will tell you my story.'

I nodded

"Well when I was in highschool I went out with this guy named teddy and then we broke up so then I went to collage got into the wrong crowd . I just couldn't take it anymore you know so I tried to commit and well My parents are well known so they couldn't have the papers know what there of so beneficial child did so they sent me here. That's my story ."I finished

She stated at me for a moment.

'Life to short to cut it loose although I just meet you I can tell you didn't do just because of the wrong crowd.But I'm not going to push it.'

I hadn't noticed we reached are destination until she pushed opened the Door.

I was about to go in until Ella slipped causing me to fall to.

I hadn't notice all the water on the floor.

Ella quickly stood up and pulled me off the ground.

'April! jypsie!Ciara !That wasn't funny.'

Next thing I know three girls come out laughing. It took a while for them to stop when they finally did they started laughing again.

I looked aside to see Ella standing there with a grumpy face.

'Omg that was to funny Ella you should have seen your face when you fell and then took her down with you oh omg.' The one brown skin and a dimples said.

They finally stopped laughing and looked at me .

'So your the new girl . I'm jypsie by the way .
Welcome to Brooke Rivers.'

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