A sick woman lies in a hospital bed.
The doctors assume she'll soon be dead.
A little girl peers through the blurry window
At the ghost in the bed, skin pale as snow.
Sonya sniffles, feeling pity
For this poor woman from the city,
Who seems a stranger in this form:
Bent, with expressions of a tortured worm.
Hoping to comfort the woman within,
The doctors leave, letting the little girl in.
She trips and stumbles - they turned off the lights -
And takes the ghost's hand, in darkness, still white.
With a tiny, sweet voice that for some reason stings
With a lump in her throat, but Sonya still sings:
You look different.
Not normal;
Sad and gray.
Are you sleepy?
You've been laying here
For days."
The sick woman smiles, then closes her eyes.
"What are you doing?," the little girl cries.
Sonya's strange friend refuses to budge.
"Mama," she whispers, "Please! Wake up!"