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   I gasped obnoxiously, feeling a wave of air fill my lungs accompanied by a sonic boom of noise and light. It was as if all five senses began working in overdrive at the same instance. As if I had just been resurrected from the dead. There was a tingling sensation in all my limbs so strong that I couldn't move my fingers.

          "Hello?", I shouted loudly, hoping for some sort of assistance. This was a strange place which I have not seen before. I began to wiggle my fingers more and more as the seconds passed, slowly gaining control of my own body. Finally, I shakily pressed both hands against the thick plush mattress and scratchy sheet I was on and sat up. Looking around, I had noticed I was attached to an IV, and there was an annoying beeping sound coming from a machine next to me which was measuring my heart rate. I was in a hospital.

        "Why am I here!?", I shouted extremely loud, knocking all the wind out of my system. Suddenly, a large lady walked in.

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