Ashes Ashes we all fall down

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Your pov
You and Nash were down stairs in the Lounge laughing about the goat riding a skateboard video. "That goat shreds better than I do" Nash said laughing. You laughed with him. "That goat is definitely hotter than I am" you say laughing. Nash stops laughing. "I think you hotter than the goat" he sad with a wink. You blush. Just then cam and Matt came down. "Hey guys" they said. "What up" you say. The boys then talked to you and Nash about going to some Fourth of July party at carters lake house tomorrow. You and Nash agreed.  After the two left Nash had to go help buy decor for the party so you decided to take a run. You walked up to you closer and got on your jogging outfit.

 You walked up to you closer and got on your jogging outfit

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You then went out on the streets and started to jog. Mid way through your jog Jamie called. You two talked while you jogged. You told her about c and everything. She listened. You then found out she was coming to the party you were so happy.

-/-/-/--/--//Time Skip to tmr-/-/-/-/:-/:--:

You woke up and did your makeup. You then ran into your closet and picked out the perfect outfit for the party.

 You then ran into your closet and picked out the perfect outfit for the party

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You then meet the boys down stairs and you all went to the lake house. Once you got their the partying began. You and Nash were dancing. Nash was doing his own funky thing and you were laughing. Just then Jamie walked through the door. "Hey girl hey" she said hugging you. "Hey" you say hugging back. You and Jamie talked for what seemed like forever. Just then the lights to the house went out. Everyone and everything stopped. You grabbed Nash's arm. Just then your phone ringed. You picked it up and felt sick. You told about me! That's something you never do! Jamie will be gone. But I don't wanna be a party pooper so I'll get her when you least expect it. Have you ever heard the song ring around the Rosie? My favorite part is the last line "ashes ashes me all fall down". You know why don't I reenact it for you! Hope you like fire- c!!

Just then the house light up in flames. Nash grabbed you hand and you two ran out. By the looks of it everyone was safe. But we're was carter?

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