Club night gone wrong part 2

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Your pov
I walked down stairs to be greeted by the boys. "You look nice" Matt said. You smiled and thanked him. "Shall we head out" Cameron said. You nodded and you all headed out to the club.

Time skip to the club.

"damn nice place" Taylor said. You smiled. The club was pretty nice. "i have to use the boys room, anyone else" Nash asked. Matt raised his hand along with Jacob and Hayes.  The four boys then headed off to the rest rooms. "wanna go dance, while we wait for them to get back" Cameron said to you and Taylor. "ill come to" Aaron said slinging an arm around your shoulder. Shawn and both jacks along with carter all went to the bar to grab everyone a drink. You didn't give a specific drink order to Shawn though. You trusted his taste, he did have the same blood as you. You, Cam, Taylor and Aaron all made your way up two the stages. Cam grabbed your hand and you two started to jam out. You had actually known cam before mag-con reunited. You had been talking to him over the internet thanks to Shawn, now him along with Matt are very close to you. You even consider each other best friends. You and cam were just doing your thing when these slutty girls started to ram into you both. You and Cam gave each other an wtf look. One of the girls tripped over the other and then she ended up ramming into this guy. "excuse me" the guy said to the girls. The girl opened up her mouth and in a really squeaky bitchey voice she said "dont look at us, its them" she pointed to you and cam as she said them."yo it wasnt us" taylor said. The guy swung a punch at Taylor. Within seconds Aaron was punching the man up the chin. They began to aggressively fight. Cam snapped when Taylor started to bleed, you could see it in his eyes. "Y/N BACK UP, GO FIND NASH" cam yelled as he swung his fist into the guys face. You ran to go get help only to be pushed up against a wall and knocked out.

Time Skip

your pov

You woke up in your bedroom back home. "mom" you yelled. You walked over and tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. You broke a window only to find out that you were incased in cement. "help me please someone" you screamed. All of the sudden your door opened to reveal Jamie. You ran up and hugged. "Jamie were am i" you cried. "im not Jamie im the best friend, and he is the boyfriend" she said pointing to...COLE?! "welcome to our doll house" Cole said. "who brought us here" you ask scared. They both looked at each other and then back at you."c" they both said at the same time. Everyone please exit your rooms and follow the lighted pathway. An intercom said. Jamie and Cole walked out. You followed them out into the hallway. There stnding in the hall way was Nash, Cam, Matt and Shawn. "Y/N" Shawn yelled.  He ran up and hugged you. "were are we" you said shaken by the situation. "i dont know but we are gonna get out" Cam said. Nash came up and kissed you on the forhead. "we better move, c dosnt like to keep the slow ones" Jamie said. You all walked hand in hand (besides Jamie and Cole). You silently prayed that somehow you qould make it out of this doll house alive

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