Did Ya Hit Yer Head?

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A sharp, frigid wind howled in short bursts through the dark forest causing a shiver to settle in the quiet landscape. With each gust, snow swirled around freely, sculpting the landscape. However, as much as the wind tried to move the snow, a dark object kept the snow from settling as it wished.
The dark figure laid limply in a somewhat open clearing surrounded by tall, looming trees that cast their shadows upon the motionless figure. A faint smell of burning steel hung in the air, but the figure did not acknowledge the familiarity, nor did it wish to move toward the smell. Time passed, and it wasn't long til the grayed sun began to set and that's when the figure began to move.
"Ugh," was all the figure gasped as it shifted to move. It moved slowly until it realized it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Panic set in, and the figure snapped to its feet. Gloved hands quickly dusted off the excess snow. Along with her long, brownish black hair standing out against the white landscape, her outfit consisting of reds and dark browns greatly contrasted. Glancing about, the unknown female's bright sky blue eyes landed on her dark bag and metallic weapons-all half covered in the snowy landscape.
Her boots moved noisily against the snow. Each time she bent over to snag a belonging, obscenities were thrown into the breeze. Once her backpack was secured to her back, she closed her eyes. There had to be life somewhere, all she had to do was sense it.
"Come on Zipporah." She growled at herself in frustration. What planet had she crashed on? She searched her memory for an ice planet in the system she was fighting near. None.
General Organa was going to pissed that her force sensitive pilot was missing in action. Zipporah closed her eyes again and pushed harder. There were wisps of life south of her. Fastening her blaster and practice saber to her belt, Zipporah began to carefully trek south, stopping ever so often to check her surroundings.
As she walked, she began to think of what had transpired earlier that day. Poe Dameron, the most skilled pilot in the Resistance, had volunteered to lead his squadron to assist the Millennium Falcon in destroying Starkiller Base. Zipporah, being the youngest pilot at 16, did not have a choice in whether she could help or not. The General ordered her to accompany the fleet and read the minds of those on the Dark Side. The tie fighter pilots were not practiced in guarding their minds, so it was ideal to have someone skim and relay as much info as possible.
Zipporah wasn't like Kylo Ren in her force sensitivity. She had a greater mental attack rather than the ability to use the force to fight. If she concentrated hard enough, she could move objects, but that particular use of the force drained her. Granted she was young and could learn more... if Luke Skywalker would come back and train her and Rey.
Zipporah's mind switched to her planet of origin, Alderaan. The planet had been destroyed before she was conceived. Her Father had fought against the Empire. Her mother, on the other hand, was nonexistent and unknown. All Zipporah knew about her was that she was a humanoid, and she had inherited her mother's pointed ears and pale skin. Growing up on Coruscant was difficult, Zipporah had a habit of being overly curious and ended up reading people's minds and giving away their secrets. She was quickly made an outcast. Zi used her time to practice everything and anything. The only force movement she could do was braid her hair and occasional chair pulling. Crunch. A rather large noise sounded from her right. Zipporah froze and drew her blaster. Her eyes landed on a small black cat.
"You made all that noise little one?" She cooed as she crouched to get a better look at it. The cat moved slowly toward her, struggling to maintain its balance. The feline had a jet black coat with faint silver lines running across its back. As it looked up at Zi, the animals eyes glowed an eerie yellow hue.
Sensing the little cat's struggle, Zi carefully picked up the cat and realized that it wasn't a typical cat like on Coruscant. It was a large kitten of some sort. The little one immediately pressed itself into Zipporah's torso. "Where's your momma, huh?"She whispered to the cub. Closing her eyes, she did not sense any other animals near her. The cub was purring in delight.
"I'm going to call you Vader. In honor of the big bad man himself." Zipporah chuckled into the cold air.
After trekking deep into the night, Zipporah's heightened eyesight and hearing honed in on a faint village in the distance. Relief flooded her being, and she let out a sigh that she didn't know that she was holding in. Vader shifted in response. Hopefully, these villagers were friendly and willing to help. A part of her was terrified that these "people" weren't going to be people, actual humans. Nevertheless, she pushed on toward the dim light.
As she closed in on the first structure, the cold began to set in. Up until that point, her movement, Vader, and her thick outfit kept her warm, but now it was near the morning hours when it was the coldest. The home looked warm and hopefully, they'd be inviting.
"Alright Vader, here goes nothing." She murmured tiredly. Shifting the cub to one arm, she raised her dominant hand, her left, to knock on the wooden door.
Knock knock.
Her hearing picked up faint shuffling and whispers inside the cabin. The door was opened a crack and an older woman poked her head out, "What do ya want?" Her voice was hoarse and cold in tone.
"I apologize for the intrusion, but I'm afraid I'm lost. I was fighting the First Order...and I guess I crashed?" Her ending came out more as question than a statement.
"Who the hell is First Order? What are ye wearing girl?" The woman opened the door to reveal a minimalist abode with fur covered furniture. The older woman noted the girl's confusion and took pity on her, "Come inside and we'll get ye sorted."
Zipporah quickly used her gift on the older woman. She meant no ill will, and neither did her husband who was snoring in the adjoining room. The woman, who looked like she had lived a hard life, noticed the cat in Zi's arms. "You brought a friend."
"Yes. I found him wandering in the snow. Named him Vader."
"Vader? What does that mean? That's a cub of a shadowcat. Be careful." The woman busied her hands putting some food on the cast iron stove to warm.
"He's a legend where I'm from. He embraced the Dark Side and ruled the Galaxy...for a time." Zipporah felt even more unsure about her surroundings. The woman looked at her with a confused expression. "Did you hit your head out there?" She quipped as she handed Zi a thick blanket.
"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just lost. Where am I exactly?"
"The North." Zipporah held in a snort. That answer was incredibly vague and dumb. How hard was it to give star coordinates? Where's a holocron or communicator? There was zero technology in the home.
Searching for words that would seem normal, Zi answered quietly,"I see. Who's the commander in these parts?"
"Well, the commander would be Lord Stark. He's about a day's journey from here. I bet he'd be the one to help you with your confusion. You should stay and rest and then keep going south to Winterfell. Also, what are ye wearing? A girl shouldn't be in pants."
Zipporah gathered that she must be on a planet that must have strict customs when it came to gender roles, and perhaps, if she played the part, this Lord Stark would be more helpful.
"I actually have a change of clothes in my bag. Is there a place I could change?"
The woman seemed to brighten at this information. "Aye, I'll leave ya be and you change in here. Holler when you're done."
The woman, dressed in dark grey, left her to change. Zipporah set Vader down and wrapped him carefully in the thick blanket. He watched her with curious eyes. Setting her bag down, Zipporah quickly shed her fighter uniform and pulled on a pair of dark grey leggings, a burgundy layered turtleneck dress that had an asymmetrical design hem that reached down to her mid thigh. Zi quickly strapped her throwing knives to her right thigh and re-laced her boots that reached her knee. Feeling like she was still a mess, the teen swiftly re-braided her hair into a long cascading fishtail braid.
"Ma'am, I'm ready." The woman scurried back in and appraised her as an older grandmother would look at her granddaughter. "It'll do. What's wrong with yer ears? Birth defect?"
Zipporah sensed that she needed to lie and agree that it was wrong to look as she did. It killed her to deny her heritage, but it was necessary to survive. Deciding to adopt some of Han Solo's language, "Aye. No explanation other than a defect. I've learned to deal." The woman nodded in reply. "Name's Old San. Do ye have a name?"
"Zipporah." The young girl replied meekly.
"That's different." Was all the older woman could muster as she gingerly handed a bowl of indiscernible slop to Zi. Thanking her profusely, Zi carefully took a bite. The warm substance tasted foreign to her. The consistency was thick and meaty. Tolerable.
The woman watched her with an unreadable expression. The woman's dark brown eyes seemed tired but warm. "I want to warn you about Winterfell. Lord Stark is a good lord, but he's got a ward. A greyjoy...a filthy kraken. He has a habit of being rude to girls. You're a looker, Zipporah. Keep an eye out for the dirty lad."
This woman couldn't be serious. A lad? What the hell was a kraken? Greyjoy? Zi didn't sense any present danger, and she trusted the force to guide her interactions. "Okay, I'll be careful."
The food was shoveled down as quickly as possible. Old San seemed worried about the young girl before her. The girl was confused and speaking nonsense, but the woman had a feeling that the gods had a plan for her. Who else could carry a shadowcat cub as if it was nothing?
The teenager quickly packed up her belongings, picked up her new companion, and thanked the old woman one last time. Light had begun to make its way into the northern landscape. The door closed behind her signaling that she needed to continue her journey. She silently thanked the force for the peaceful encounter and pleaded for a quick journey to this Winterfell.
The morning passed by the duo rather quickly. She knew she was making good time as she sensed more people in the coming miles. They didn't make too many stops-only to drink water. The cub seemed content to remain in her arms. "You're lucky I work out, or you'd be out of luck Vader." The cat meowed in reply. Zipporah acknowledged that Vader was highly intelligent for an animal. She practiced force bonding with Vader as she walked. If he grew bigger, he'd be useful to have as an ally in a fight.
Hours later, exhaustion had begun to set in. Her pace slowed, and her focus began to wander. She missed her squad and her fighter. What was happening out there? Did they succeed in stopping the First Order? Did Rey find Luke? Her eyes widened as she came to a huge wall of a castle.
"Holy shit."
"Halt, who goes there? State yer business, girl." A guard yelled from above. The man was dressed in head to toe metal. It was strange to see a metal man. He had a picture of an animal growling on his chest. What strangeness.
"Wolf" a voice whispered into her consciousness. Gulping down the force's message, Zipporah spoke with an expression of false sadness, "I'm hoping to see Lord Stark. I'm lost sir, and a kind old woman recommended me to see Lord Stark about my problems."
"Aye. You've got problems? Alright, Lord Stark shall see you." The guard motioned to an unseen soldier who opened the heavy duty door. Zipporah hesitantly stepped inside the fortress. Her eyes were immediately left with grey. What is with these people and grey?
"This way, malady." A guard beckoned from her left. "The gods have been good, and you're the first person to come see the Lord today."
"Aye. Gods be good." She murmured. This charade was growing old. Why couldn't these people talk normally?
He lead her to a chamber that had a very large throne like chair. It looked to be made of stone with what the force told her were "wolves" carved into the siding. They looked to be fierce creatures. If that was their sign, this house was an impressive one.
The fire roared to her right causing Vader to leap from her arms and stand in front of the fire. The cub stretched, yawned, and promptly fell asleep. Stiffly, Zi pulled her backpack off and rotated her shoulders to loosen the taut muscles. The room was richly decorated, but the lighting was dimmer than she was used to. The sparse lighting cast shadows across the large receiving room.
"The honorable Lord Stark." A guard announced catching Zi off-guard. She swiftly whipped around to see an older man with wrinkles, from seeing way too much in his time, enter, at least that's what Zi trumped those wrinkles up to. He had similar lines to that of the General, and she had seen a lot of shit in her time. His blondish brown hair was on the longer side, and she could tell by his gait that he knew how to handle himself. He, too, was dressed in grey.
She quickly bowed to this Lord and met his eyes with her bright blues.
"The guard said you were lost?" He questioned with a intrigued expression. He knew she wasn't from the North. Lord Stark had traveled all of Westeros, and he had yet to see a girl who looked like her. His mind wandered to the myths about those whom the gods gift with magical beings. Could the North have found favor?
"Yes, Lord Stark. I'm afraid I am very lost. I was fighting the First Order on orders from General Leia Organa of the Resistance. I suppose my fighter was shot down, and I landed on your planet. I'm trying to return to the Resistance, but I do not know how  to."
His expression hardened at her words. Moments seemed like hours to the teen. What was she supposed to do?
"Milady, I'm regret to tell you that I have no knowledge of the Resistance or First Order. You seem to be sure of your origins. You weren't sent by the gods, were you?"
"The gods? I am familiar with the force. I am a force sensitive individual. I have, uh, abilities." Zipporah didn't know why she was being so honest with the older man before her, but she sensed that he was trustworthy. If she showed him, maybe something would come to his mind on how she could return.
Leaning forward, he questioned, "What abilities?"
Zipporah froze, and fear began to set in. What if this was a planet that was intolerant of the force? What if he ordered her to die?
As if sensing her terror, he comforted, "Do not worry child. Nothing you show me will lead to you coming to harm."
Nodding, Zipporah closed her eyes and took in everything in the room. All the different temperatures, pressures, tastes, air movement. She focused on a stool and began to think of it as being as light as a feather. Her hearing picked up a gasp, and she lost focus causing the stool to land with a thud. Lord Stark stood up from his stone throne and moved toward her. She remained unmoved and maintained a straight face. He circled her, and she felt his rough hands gently touch her pointed ears.
"Milady, what are you called?" His voice was calm and almost reverent.
"Zipporah Celchu of Alderaan, sir." Her voice was strong and almost commanding. Lord Stark smiled at her.
"Zipporah, you are welcome here. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours. I must ask, what else can you do?"
It was almost comical. His childlike wonder had come out. Zipporah was safe, but would she ever get home?
Nodding to him, she accessed his mind and gently spoke to him, I appreciate your hospitality.
He jumped back in surprise but chuckled after a moment. "You are magnificent." His eyes wandered to cub basking in the fire's warmth. "Is that a shadowcat?"
"I do not know, Sir. I found Vader on my travels. His mother was nowhere to be seen. He's been my traveling companion. Vader come."
The cat immediately waddled to her and then moved to the Lord. He rubbed against the Lord.
"It's a name from where I'm from. The one known as Vader was powerful and mighty." Of course she would leave out all the death and suffering associated with the name.
"I see. I would like you to meet my family as soon as you are given a meal, a bath, and perhaps some rest?"
Zipporah found herself nodding as he kept adding luxuries. He was thinking quite loud-that she was a gift from the gods meant to strengthen his house. She wasn't sure who the enemy was, but she'd fight on Lord Stark's behalf. The force was telling her to stay with Lord Stark and protect the house.

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