White Walkers

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Once the morning meal had passed, many of the guests left to return to their lands. They had been gracious to bring various gifts for the young couple. Some were animals; others were handcrafted furnishings and clothing. The Lannisters had given gold and fine linens. How cliché.

Zipporah knew she'd be the one writing the thank you notes. She'd be sure to write an extra special note to Lord Tywin. Tyrion had been more than forthcoming in their discussion of his family. It was clear that he loved his brother Jaime, but for his sister and father, he had no love for them. Cersei truly was an evil bitch. In Zipporah's mind, she belonged to Supreme Leader Snoke and was a thriving member of the Dark Side. " King's Landing is under her control" Tyrion had murmured into his ale. "She is a miserable being, so she makes everyone around her miserable."

There was a moment, in their conversation, that they had come to an understanding.

"I will look out for the Stark's as long as you look out for me."

"Of course. I will keep you in the loop. It is important that we keep this under wraps. Robb will be the only other party that knows."

"Not the Greyjoy?"

"Never the Kraken."

Normally, Zipporah would feel guilty about excluding someone from the planning process, but it was necessary. She had little trust for the walking sexpot.

As she moved through the halls, she made the decision to watch the boys practice in the yard. The air crackled with positive force energy, however, she could not shake the feeling that something was amiss. There was a distant ripple in the force.

As she stood beside Lady Catelyn, she noted that Bran was trying to build up the courage to shoot an arrow. Her eyes evaluated his stance; he needed to raise his elbow and lower his aim. She wouldn't interfere this time. He needed to learn, on his own, through error.

"Go on. Father's watching." Jon coaxed with an amused expression, "and your mother." Bran loosed the arrow, and it missed the target completely. Laughter erupted in the yard. Bran lowered his head in embarrassment.

Lord Stark's voice rang out across the yard,"And which one of you was a marksman at ten? Keep practicing, Bran. Go on." The laughter died. Jon and Robb quickly masked themselves with maturity.

"Don't think too much, Bran." Jon mumbled under his breath.

"Relax your bow arm." Robb pointed out with a boyish grin. Zipporah smirked at his antics.

An arrow was released again, and this time it hit the bullseye. All eyes turned to Bran who looked just as confused as everyone else. Eyes traveled further and landed on Arya who smiled and curtsied. Her defiance was palpable.

"Arya!" Bran screamed as he took after her. Both kids were gone in a blink of an eye.
"Quick, Bran, faster!"Robb and Jon shouted with jest. Their jovial spirits were contagious, even Lady Stark smiled at the boys' antics.

Just as Zipporah moved to join the boys in the yard, Rodrick Cassel and Theon approached with grim faces. "My lord. My ladies. A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter of the Night's Watch."

Zipporah quirked an eyebrow. What the fuck was the Night's Watch? Lord Stark's face hardened before he ordered, "Get the lads to saddle their horses."

Theon nodded and bolted to Robb and Jon. The two had been cleaning up the yard. Bran's terrible aim had left quite a mess.

Lady Catelyn quietly asked, "Do you have to?"

"He swore an oath, Cat."

"The law is law, my lady." Cassel added with a grimace. Zipporah only nodded in reply, but as she mulled it over, "May I accompany you, my lord? I simply wish to witness."

"Aye. May the goddess witness justice in her name. Tell Bran he's coming, too."

Catelyn's jaw dropped in horror, but she quickly recovered. "Ned. Ten is too young to see such things." Zipporah watched the Lord think over his wife's words.

"He won't be a boy forever. Winter is coming." While his logic had many holes in it, he had his mind made up. Bran would witness the justice of his lord father. Cassel nodded and left to make preparations. Zipporah swiftly departed to grab her heavier cloak before they departed. Once she had the heavy linens clasped to her shoulders, she moved at her inhuman speed to the courtyard. She did not want to keep the party waiting. Robb's face hardened at her presence.

You shouldn't have the burden of seeing this.

No, I must. The force is telling me that I need to see. There is a message.

Promise me you'll look away when it is done.

I promise.

The party rode north for some time. The wind was dead, and the sound of the horses' hooves echoed across the landscape. Jon mulled over what was about to happen. His uncle would deliver the usurper's justice. He would not argue the end result. It was tradition.

When the party arrived to the area, the Night's Watchman, dressed in black, glanced at Zipporah's presence in surprise. What was a woman doing at a beheading?

Zipporah furrowed her brow in confusion. His mind was in chaos. He had witnessed a monster. Lord Stark motioned for the deserter to be brought forward for justice.

As the man was dragged forward, he began to shout, "White Walkers. I saw the White Walkers. White Walkers. The White Walkers, I saw them." Ned Stark paused and glanced at Zi. Her eyes were glazed over. She was seeing something. Was he to wait for her word?

The deserter continued, "I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."

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