Chapter 2

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Albus POV
I am The Headmaster of Hogwarts and I am also The Head of The Department Magical Law Enforcement. I called Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny to my office at Hogwarts. "Voldemort has a Grandson who is a very powerful Greek Primordial"I told them. "This portal will take us to him" I said gesturing at the new Portal. We stepped through the portal and appeared in the Throne Room of Mount Olympus. "Ah Albus, come for Percy have you"said Zeus. "Yes my lord"I said. "Your Grandfather is Lord Voldemort who we are at war with"I told him. "Then let's go kill him"Percy said.
Percy POV
"We have to find The Horcruxes first"Hermione said. "It's Slytherin's Locket, Voldemort's diary, Ravenclaw's Diadem, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Hufflepuff's Cup, Nagini, and Harry"I said. "You are the seventh Horcrux, the one he never meant to make"I said. "I am sorry for your parents' deaths Harry"I said. "Let's get to Hogwarts"I said. They apparated to Hogwarts. I Lightning Traveled to Hogwarts. I made myself look like a 17 year old. I made a wand made of Yew, Holly, Elder, Dragon heartstring, and Phoenix core 16 1/2 inches appear in my hand. We had all the Horcruxes together. The ring and the diary were already destroyed. Harry made locket open. Ron stabbed it with The Basilisk Fang. We destroyed the others except for Harry. I resurrected Harry's parents as well as Tonks, Lupin, Moody, and Sirius. Harry was glad to see them. Snape made peace with them. "GIVE ME HARRY POTTER AND I WILL LEAVE HOGWARTS UNTOUCHED. GIVE ME HARRY POTTER AND NONE SHALL BE HARMED. GIVE ME HARRY POTTER AND YOU SHALL BE REWARDED. YOU HAVE ONE HOUR"Voldemort's high, cold, clear voice boomed. Harry and I went to Voldemort. I turned invisible and Harry put on his Invisibility Cloak. "I was, it seems mistaken"Voldemort said. "You weren't" Harry shouted. "Avada Kedavra"Voldemort said pointing The Elder Wand at Harry. When the killing curse hit Harry both Harry and Voldemort passed out. They came back at the same time."Is the boy dead"? Voldemort asked as he stood up. "Yes"Narcissa lied. "Hagrid carry him so that everyone may know of my triumph"Voldemort said to Hagrid who was crying. Hagrid picked Harry up. I followed them back to The Great Hall of Hogwarts. Harry ended up killing Voldemort.

Grandson of Voldemort, Champion of Olympus, Guardian Of The HuntWhere stories live. Discover now