Chapter 1

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It all started when I was 5 years old. It's scary. I don't know why or how he sees me. He pulls my ahir and mentally beats me up. But the worst part is that no one believes me. They say that I'm insane, or that iI'm playing some sort of trick. Even my own parents think that I'm insane! Well, techically they haven't said it to my face, but I know that they think it.

What's wrong with me? I can see this man - like ghost. He follows me around, and I don't know why. All I see is his silhouette. I can't touch, or get away from him. He speaks, but very faintly. His voice sounds like an evil ogre. And I only see him when I really don't want to.

My name is Miriam Kart,nand I'm 16 years old.


I woke up and tried to encourage myself to get out of bed. I desperatkey needed breakfast. I sat up, reached for my phone, and turned it on. On the screen, 4 notifications were bleaming at me. 2 new messages, 4 Instagram likes, 1 missed call and 1 voice mail. I get rid of the missed call notification and instead, I listen to the Voicemail. "Ugh, hi! Is this Miriam? This is Michael from
"Oh, hey honey!" She says as she turns head to me.
"What's for breakfast?" I ask. But I know that's a silly question.
"Well, we have pancakes,  bacon, a selection of eggs, milkshakes, and coffee," she anounces.

After about a minute and a half (not even), I here footsteps coming from the stairs. My sister Katie comes into the kitchen, still half asleep. She pulls out a chair, and plops herself next to me.
"Mornin'," she says.
"Good morning honey," Mum replies.
"Where's dad and Sam?" Katie asks.
"Oh, out to get some orange juice. They should be back soon." Mum says.

Before you know it, dad and Sam (which, by the way is our younger brother) get home. They walk throught the hall, and into the kitchen. Dad kisses Mum on the cheek, and Sam comes and sits with us girls.
"Good morning you two," Dad said.
"Good morning dad!" Katie and I say in unison.
Mum grabs plates full of bacon, pancakes, and other delicous things, and puts them on the table in front of us. She puts mugs of steaming hot coffee in front of 3 seats, and puts the rest if the food on the table. Dad and Mum finally sit down, and we all eat.

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