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Jack would look hot with blue hair wouldn't he?

Also, HI MUM! :P I know your reading this °-°

Jacks POV
I woke up to voices. They echoed off the walls on my tiny room and bounced around in my head. I heard a males voice and a females voice.

The female was Signe. She was arguing with the male. I tried to open my eyes but once again I was blindfolded.

I figured I wouldn't be let go soon so I tried to move around and get comfortable but as soon as I moved a pain spiked up my waist.

Through the pain I winced and let out a whine. The room fell silent and I knew they were looking at me in pain.

"What? You like seeing me in pain?" I spat, a sudden wave of confidence washing over me.

I heard footsteps then my blindfold was removed. The male stood in front of me with a black hyena mask over his face. I could tell he was smiling under the wicked mask.

"Now now Sean. Don't be like that," he said giggling. I growled at him.

"My name is not SEAN! MY NAME IS JACK. DON'T CALL ME SEAN!" I shouted as I struggled against my restraints. Big mistake.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that again or you wont have a tongue to speak with," the masked man spoke bitterly.

His tone made my body tense up and all I could do was stare into the dark holes in his mask, unable to see his eyes through the pitch black.

"Signe, bring me a pen," the male said while holding his hand up. Signe nodded and handed him a pen.

He stepped forward and began writing on my arm harshly. He was pressing so hard it cut into my skin and made blood run down my arm.

When he was done he stepped back and admired his handy work before both people left me alone in the dimly lit room. I looked at the writing on my arm and gasped.

Stay Away!

Why did he write that? Who was he talking to? Was it Mark? Or someone else? Maybe he was using Mark to pass on a message? I was so confused.

I pushed all my thoughts away as I inspected my waist. I had really bad rope burn around my waist from the rope I was tied down by. My wrists looked the same.

"Why me?" I breathed out as tears welled up in my eyes. I took deep breaths and tried to calm my accelerated nerves.

"Come on Jack, you can do this," I said to myself. I thought about the whole situation and everything I had heard while being here.

It was about an hour later when I started feeling hungry. I hadn't eaten much lately because I didn't have the appetite but I was hungry now. I just hoped they would feed me soon...

Marks POV
I lay in the hospital bed 'resting'. I was bored out of my mind, not to mention my boyfriend had been kidnapped and there was no traces of him anywhere! How could I rest?

I gasped as I felt a sting in my arm. I looked down to see writing appearing. At first I thought it might be Jack but soon realized it wasn't his handwriting. Then all the letters were written and my heart sunk.

Stay Away!

Whoever had Jack didn't want anyone finding them. The thought of never seeing Jack again crossed my mind and made my stomach twist and turn. I felt sick, I felt empty, I felt lost.

Without Jack I was nothing. He was my true love, my soul mate. All I wanted was him. And I might never get that...

Jack's POV
Its was several hours before someone finally came into my room. By then I had completely lost it.

My face was covered in tears and my wrists and waist was covered in blood from struggling so much. My ankles had also been tied down but with a more fabric like material that didn't cut as much and only made burns.

I looked up at the person entering weakly. My hair fell in my face and gave me a wild look. My eyes were sore from crying so much and my throat burned for water.

"Oh my god Sean, you shouldn't struggle so much," Signe said as she pit a plate of food down on the floor. She tried rushing over to me but I growled at her, a wild look in my eyes.

"My. Name. Is. Not. Sean. It's. Jack," I snarled like an animal. At first she seemed afraid bit then unaffected by my tone.

"Fine then, Jack. You need to stop struggling, the ropes are cutting your skin." she sounded genuinely concerned bit I didn't care. She was the reason I was here.

"I don't care what it does to me. I don't want to be here," I cried, pulling on the ropes again. Tears streamed down my face from the pain it caused but I didn't stop.

"Jack DON'T!" Signe said sternly.

"You can't tell me what to do! I am not yours to boss around. You're the reason why I'm in these ropes in the first place anyway. Why should you care?" My words were like acid in my mouth and came out like poison.

"How dare you..," Signe began but I cut her off.

"How dare you speak to me like that? I'm your mother and you will do everything I tell you you should not talk back or misbehave," I said childishly and glaring at her.

"News flash for you, I DON'T CARE!" I huffed and continued struggling against the ropes.

"I'm sorry for all this. He Made me do all of it. Attack you, attack Mark, kidnap you, all of it. He made me do it Jack," Signe said softly, tears dripping from under her white wolf mask.

"Who is he?" I asked as I stopped struggling. She looked up at me slowly, as if contemplating whether or not to tell me.


Well then. Now we know who did it. Who guessed that? Probably no one. It was pretty hard to guess saying I had nothing about him bit awe well. Its don't now.


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