Chapter 1

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Justins P.O.V

I woke up this morning with my phone blowing up with notifications, i got 1 text from damon, 1 from Tish, and a message on musically from someone with the username of RazzlezBeast. I opened my phone and opened the message from Damon first, it read:
Damon😊❤-Hey, you wanna hangout today?
I quickly replied and said "Sure"

Then i opened the text from Tish and she just simply said "hey" so i replied with "hi"
I then closed my phone but remembered i had to open the message on musically so i quickly opened my phone and read the message "Hey, your cute and really good at musicallys, we should talk sometime" i replied with "yea sure, whats your number". i think i went too far with it, i should of waited to ask that.I closed my phone and went downstairs to eat breakfast

Raegans P.O.V
I was going through musically and i came across this boy named Justin Blake. i went through his musicallys (stalkerish i know, anyway back to it) then i realized i can just text him on here, i totally forgot about that update. So i texted him and said "Hey, your cute and really good at musicallys, we should talk sometime. i wonder if i went too far because i called him cute but oh well. He replied back about an hour later and asked for my number so we can talk more so i sent him my number and waited for him to text me

Justins P.O.V
I finished eating and went back upstairs to see if he answered and he sent me his number. I barely knew him but he was really cute and i wanted to get to know him. So i texted his number and said:
To Rae😊
Hey, its Justin from Musically
From Rae😊( you get the point J-Justin R-Raegan)
J-So um..
R- your really cute😉
J-Thanks, so are you..
"JUSTINN!"my mom yells. "WHAT" i yell back.
J-Hey i gotta go, my moms calling me downstairs
R-Ok bye😊
"Yea Mom, why did you call me down?"
"I have something to tell you..."
A/N Hey, so this is my first chapter of my first book. Im gonna tell you 5 facts about me
1.My name is Allison
2.I am 14 years old
3.I live in Florida
4.I have never met Justin or Raegan but might go to Playlist Live next year
5. My favorite sport is Softball

I will try to update as much as i can but im busy alot because of softball..i will try to update some during the week but will be updating mostly on the weekends😊

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