Chapter 6

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Justins P.O.V
I woke up this morning with Raegan still by my side but i didnt feel good and my arm was hurting so bad.
"Yea Justin"
"Can we not go to school today?"
"Sure, but why?"
"I dont feel good and my arm hurts"
"Ok, i love you"
"I love you too. And you promised you wouldnt do that again"
"I really promise i wont"
"Do you want to go get something to eat?"
"Taco bell PLEASEEE"
"Ok fineee"
We got in the car and headed to Go eat

*time skip to heading back from Taco Bell*

Raegans P.O.V
We were heading back when all of a sudden i lost control of the wheel...and a car hit us and we started spinning soon as we were about to hit the car...moved over by Justin to make sure he was ok and i would take the hit..
"Justin, im keeping u safe ok? Im gonna take the hit.This is my fault..i love you"
"RAEGAN NO" i heard justin say and after that it went black...

Justins P.O.V
Raegan was driving us back home from Taco Bell and Raegan had lost control of the wheel..he started to move over by me and lay kind of on top of me and said "Justin, im keeping you safe ok? Im gonna take the hit. This is my fault..i love you"
I yell "RAEGAN NO"
The car hit my side of the car and we started spinning out of control then i hit my head on the side and all the memories flashed in my head all went black...

Jays Moms P.O.V
I recieved a call today and it said that Justin and Raegan got in a life threatening car accident..i grabbed my keys, got in the car and rushed to the hospital and ask to see them...

Justins P.O.V
I woke up in the hospital..not really knowing whats going on..but i heard talking and i saw my mom talking to the doctor
Doctor-"Justin will be ok, but were not to sure about Raegan..he got hit pretty hard..he saved your son"
Mom-oh...*tearing up*

I started to cry. My mom saw me and came in the room..."im sorry". I couldnt talk, i just mentally couldnt process that Raegan could die at any point. I need him.
"Can i see Raegan Please?"
"No, you have to stay"
My mom walks out and asks the doctor, she said im free to go so she unhooked me from the machine and i walked to Raegans room..As i walked him i saw his unconscious body..i couldnt help but cry. I walked over and sat in the chair and pulled it up to the bed...i grabbed his hand..

"Raegan, i know you cant hear me right now but i love you so much, your my everything, please baby i need you to wake up..i cant live without you.."
I stayed there looking at him hoping he would wake up..
Raegans P.O.V
I heard talking and i wanted to open my eyes but i eyes felt so heavy..i knew i was in the hospital..i heard the doctor talking to someone that i was guessing Justins Mom (Raegans parents are on vacation now, sorry for being so confusing)and i heard the doctor say
"Justin will be ok.."
I was so happy Justin was ok..
"..but were not sure about Raegan, he got hit pretty hard..he saved your son.."
Was i dying? I thought to myself..i mean i put this on my self by saving Justin and taking the hit..i just wanted Justin to be ok and he was...

All of a sudden i heard the door open and someone came and sat by the bed..they grabbed my hand and at that point i knew it was Justin because his hand is small..he started talking..

"Raegan, i know you cant hear me right now but i love you so much, your my everything, please baby i need you to wake up..i cant live without you"
I tried to open my eyes again but it didnt work..then i opened them just a little and i could see justin with his head on our they were intertwined together..

Justins P.O.V
I looked at Raegan for a second than put my head on our they were intertwined together..when i heard a very faint "Justin" i looked up and saw Raegan was starting to wake up..."Raegan, im so happy your awake..i thought you werent gonna make it because the doctors were making it seem like you werent going to..."
"Im right here ok? not going anywhere, i promise. Im so glad your ok..thats all i wanted was for you to be ok..i would of taken my life for you"

"Im so glad your ok..i know you want me to be ok but i need you to be ok too..i cant live without you here. You are my mean so much to me..i love you"
"I love you too, so much Justin"
A/N l feel like im getting better at finding ideas but i need some help please..let me know how im doing with this story..i will be updating again tomorrow or maybe late tonight if i get the next chapter done and sorry for any mistakes😊

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