Chapter 2.

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Six Months Ago.

I clicked the home button on my phone to check the time.


Friday, May 1

I glanced back over at Camille who was in the driver's seat currently taking a hit from the bong that she liked to call Charlotte. Some random Weeknd song was playing in the background. I sat there swaying my body from side to side waving my arms in slow motion. I was a good kind of high. The kind that isn't too high and not too low.

She turned to look at me with her red-rimmed eyes as she handed the bong back to Wick who was currently laying down in the back seat. She opened her mouth to speak but she seemed to have forgotten the words before she could say them. I could already guess the type of question she was going to ask. In her mellow raspy voice, she'd either ask, "want to pack another bowl?" or "what do you want to do tonight?"

Camille comes from a mixed family. Her mother is Irish and her father is African American. She has long thick curly brown hair and pulls off anything she wears. She and I both have a ridiculous amount of piercings on our bodies, but if you asked who pulled it off better, it would be her. I'm white, pale, the exact opposite of her. My long wavy dirty blond hair has nothing on her. I don't know how I became such good friends with a god and a legend. At my school, she is known as a legend. We go to a small private school where everyone knows everything even if you don't want them too. Both of us are known there for certain things. They aren't good things but on the scale of all the terrible things you could do in this world, our sins are very low.

Camille still hadn't remembered what she was going to ask. Wick was the next to actually speak up. He asked, "what are we doing tonight?" I smiled a lazy smile at the question we were always asking. I changed the current song that was playing to Cigarette Daydream. This song always makes me want a smoke. I pull the box from my pock and retrieve one of my deadly sticks of poison from the box. I lit it and took a long drag just before Wick handed me the bong. He repeated his question again that nobody had answered yet. Wick's real name is Noah. Don't ask me why because I really do not know. He is the current guy Camille is with right now. He's a chill guy. I like him. I responded, "Thomas, Thomas Washington is having a party."

Camille's eyes grew wide, "yes. Yes, let's do that." She started the car again, asking, "is it at his house on the lake? Or the one near Royal Oak?"

"Lakehouse," I replied.

She pulled away from the random place we had parked. We rolled down all the windows to air out the car. I watched all of the smoke escape the small space it had been confined to. I crossed my arms under my chin as I sit my head on the ridge of the open window. I starred out at the nearly dark sky and sang the words to the song under my breath, "If we can find a reason, a reason to change, looking for the answers..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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