Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.


Dear World,

I have gone through three major phases so far in my lifetime. Some believe I've changed for the better, others think not. 

Phase 1--- 

From the day we took our first breath on this earth and until the day we take our last, we will know there is something missing in our lives. You may think its a lack of originality in the world or maybe your life's just boring but, we all know that's not it. Although those are all valid reasons, there is an obvious answer to the daunting emptiness inside of you. It's simple. Life. Sucks. If you don't know it by now, you're either in denial or you are already subconsciously aware.

Think about it. The terrible aspects of living far outweigh the good. Of course, there are good people out there fighting the "good fight", but how much does their good do for a world mainly run by the wicked? I wanted to be one of those people so bad; the good. I wanted to think that recycling will make a difference and my presidential vote will matter but I faltered into a certain way of thinking. Instead of having hope for humanity, I subsided in its negative voids. I became a part of the people who maintain the negative problems and make them worse. Humanity defines the earth in a less than favorable way and I want no part of it. It's not hard to disassociate yourself from a world you believe is full of shit. 

The sad thing is that when we grow up, life doesn't get better. It gets worse! You start understanding the world more and understanding the people that live in it. I used to think that life would get better after spending a childhood learning to grow up in the wicked system we call "education", but it does not. We go to school for practically all of our adolescence, and for what? To develop an eating disorder? Learn to lie? Learn to work the education system for a grade? I could go on.

Half the kids I went to school with or grew up with were either going through an identity crisis or pretending like they knew what the hell was going on. People were either sitting around wishing they were dead or wishing the people around them were. Don't get me wrong. There are good people out there but again, the bad far outweighs the good. I've seen so many hateful people tare down beautiful people just because they could. It's sick. Jealousy is a bitch. I swear to God, even the happy people you see aren't truly happy. I've learned you can pretty much fake anything on social media. It's the perfect way to be an unidentified asshole while also presenting yourself as a nun. I do realize that not everything is fake. Not everyone is faking their happiness... but how long does happiness really last?

After we make it through school, we get thrown into a job for the remainder of our lives. Some might actually love their jobs but how far does loving something really get you either? Generally most people start to settling down around this age. For me, that means settling down with an average husband that I met online or out in the "real world." Maybe if he is lucky I'll allow him to impregnate me so we can help populate this already damned earth! Wow. I just got excited. I get to send a precious baby to fight against the wolves. What better way to honor my own parents than to complete the life cycle just as they have done. 

So, if you asked me a year ago if I thought the concept of life was fair, just, normal, easy, perfect, or divine, I'd laugh in your face. Life sucks. We are born to die. It is as simple as that.

Phase 2---

My second intellectual phase happened about a year ago. All it took was a hardcore trip on shrooms for one hell of an eye-opening experience. I became all hippy-dippy and realistic about the world. I truly did. Ask anyone I know. I became fascinated with the earth and all of the beautiful things put on it. I thought, "this world was put here just so we could enjoy it. There is so much beauty."

That happy thought developed into hate for humanity that went so much deeper than just the annoyance of a world full of people conforming to society. I was mad about what the human race had done to the planet. I hated people for it based on the pure fact that anything ever done by anyone was for selfish desires.

I was fine with this view. I lived with this view for a while. It suited me and the personality I had created for myself. I'm a realist. When I added a little hippy love and a small spoonful of hate for the world on top of my already cold exterior, people weren't wise enough to pick up on my intellectual shift. I mean, not everyone... A few people noticed. Opal did.

Phase 3--

My friend Opal Wilson was diagnosed with leukemia. Seventeen-year-old, frail little Opal, diagnosed with a form of cancer only a small percent of the world gets.

Six months ago is when I had a different kind of emotional shift. I called it the Opal Wilson phase. She influenced me. Opal had six full months to plant her evolutionary ideas inside of me. She tainted me with her promises of a beautiful world when in reality there would never be one. She told me, "even when life is terrible and you believe you are meaningless, there's no way you can be. Too many people depend on your love. You still have so many memories to make and so many things to do. Why give up in a world full of glorious opportunity? That's a waste of a life if you ask me."

I felt inspired to write this to all of you because I feel like someone other than me needs to be able to understand it all. Someone else needs to understand Opal. People need to know what sort of life she lived. Someone else needs to know what thoughts were exploding through her mind.

A week ago is when Opal Wilson died. She went into a coma and never woke up. Her parents pulled the plug clamming she was "no longer in there. It was no longer her." This is why the human race shouldn't be allowed to play God. Now we will never know if she was going to wake up because they were to lame to see that maybe she was still in there somewhere, fighting to stay alive. I know she would have been. Opal was a girl that never gave up... She wouldn't have given up like that... But instead, her parents gave up for her.... the very next day to be exact.

As an individual, Opal Wilson changed my life. She opened doors for me that only needed a little nudge. She formed me into my current state of mind.

Yours Truly.


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