Yes, I am his boyfriend.

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Song of the chapter: no control- one direction

Niall's house

Liam: I love this song! *hums to one dance by Drake*
Niall: yeah, it's cool. Does anyone want to hear this song I wrote?
Louis: yes, let me get comfy first *places his head on Harry's crouch*
Liam: I know one of you will lose *laughs*
Louis: don't blame me, he has a comfy lap
Harry: *gulps gingerly* sure...sure Niall let's hear that song
Niall: *grabs his guitar and sits in front of everyone, clearing his throat*

All boys sat, engaged. The attention was almost too much for Niall, 3 pairs of eyes burning into him. Why was it suddenly so hard? He's performed in front of larger audiences more.

Niall: waking up to kiss you and nobody's there
Harry: *his thoughts switch to Louis instantly, examining his perfect features*
Niall: the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air
Harry: *stares at Louis throughout the song*
Niall: *finishes song* it's called this town. What do you all think?
Louis: amazing! *sits up to applaud Niall, accidentally brushing his hand against Harry's crouch*
Harry: *notices a bulge forming in his jeans* *clears throats hoping nobody will see his half erection* uh..that was great Niall. I need a toilet *rushes out of the room*

9:15 pm Niall's house

Niall: now everybody's gone, what was up earlier like rushing to the bathroom?
Harry: well I uh *scratches his head* Louis sort of accidentally brushed his hand on my penis and well I got hard
Niall: *laughs loudly*
Harry: don't laugh *slaps Niall's  arm softly*
Niall: okay, okay I won't *presses his lips into a thin line to avoiding giggling*
Harry: anyway what am I going to do about him being straight and all?
Niall: well, have you ever dated any boys?
Harry: not yet...
Niall: you should get yourself a boyfriend and you might get over Lou!
Harry: that's a good idea... but what about the dare?
Niall: still act like a couple, you sort of do already. I mean do you think he platonically put his head on your dick? He's never done that to me or Liam so it's probably something more.
Harry: woah..well I don't know. I've seen this gay bar down the road from here and I'm thinking of going, would you want to go with me as I'm scared?
Niall: why don't you contact that guy you were dancing with before if you got his number? And if I went people would think we're together so they couldn't hit on you haz. *softly smiling*
Harry: I don't think Michael will want to talk to me and yes I got his number before you came over.
Niall: sorry about ruining that, imagine if you'd had kissed with Louis and Liam seeing! You said you wanted to tell them in your own time so it's only fair people respect that! There's no harm in trying
Harry: *types* right how does this sound?
"Hey Michael, it's Harry. I promise that blonde guy wasn't my boyfriend, he's my friend. The thing was I haven't come out to my other friends yet so Niall was pulling me away as they'd already seen us together. I'm interested in you and would like to get to know you better :)x"
Niall: I think that's great now send it and wait for a reply!
5 minutes later
Harry: Michael replied! Already!!
Niall: what does it say? *jumps immediately*
Harry: "hey Harry. Oh, sorry for assuming things. I think we should meet 🙂 here's a few things about me, my name is Michael Clifford,  I love unicorns and kittens ❤"
What do I reply Niall oh my god I am freaking this is happening?! *voice raised*
Niall: tell him a few things about yourself, plan to meet
Harry: right I have


Louis: hey Harry, do you want to come round later? Watch films and cuddle, try this couple dare things and I miss you curly 🙂 xxx
Harry: I miss you too, Lou. I'll be there at 8? All the love xxx
Louis: can't wait!! 😀 xxx

Harry: hey Liam? *furrows eyebrows puzzled as a sees Liam at his door*
Liam: my Xbox broke and I know you have one *hints*
Harry: yes you can use it *sighs while shrugging*
Liam: ThankYou haz!!
Harry: that's okay, do you want a drink?
Liam: latte, 3 sugars please
Harry: never seen you have latte before? Milky?
Liam:yes please
Harry: *hears his phone buzz while the kettle is boiling*

Michael: hey, wanna go out for dinner tonight? 5pm? I'll pick u up
🙂 x
Harry: did Michael Clifford just ask me on a date? X
Michael: maybe 😉 x
Harry: pick me up at 5 🙂 x

Liam: where's my latte?
Harry: just bringing it in

7:36pm Michael's car

Harry: wanna go back to mine?
Michael: yeah sure, direct me


Harry: kiss me
*phone buzzes*
Michael: you gonna get that first?
Harry: no leave it now kiss me you fo-
Michael: *silences him  with a deep rough kiss, sliding his tongue into Harry's parted lips*
Harry: *moans, allowing Michael's tongue further into his mouth*
*phone buzzes again*
Harry: *switches it on silent, not even checking who it was*
Louis: *walks in, sees what's happening and double takes* Harry? Our plans?'re gay?
Harry: I can explain...Louis I totally forgot I'm sorry
Michael: who are you? His boyfriend?
Louis: yes , I am his boyfriend, now fucking leave *clearly angry, grabs Michael by his shirt and throws him out of the door*
Louis: Harry you're gay? You never told me? *his frustration levels rising*

Larry Stylinson~Truth or dare //completed  |WATTYS 2017|Where stories live. Discover now