The Shy One

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Name: "um...I'm...I'm Tracy... Tracy Michal..."
Age: "...." (She's 15)
Looks: "I'm in front of you..." (Look up)
Sexuality: "..." (Straight)
Personality: "..." (Nice, shy, blushes easily, is a nerd, and she's very loveable.)
Gender: "...please leave me alone..." (Female)
Likes: "..." (Reading, flowers, taking walks, dancing, and being alone)
Dislikes: "..." (She's scared of thunderstorms, people watching her dance, getting bullied, and seeing dead things)

Scenario 1: You were walking in the wall ways when you see someone putting a small girl against the lockers. She looks very scared and has tears coming out of her eyes. You...

Scenario 2: Make one up!

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