See you this summer

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It was the last day of school and Camila's class had been let out a little early to do some last minute year book signing.

Camila had given her yearbook to her friend Marielle to sign then went off to go sign a couple of her friends yearbooks as Camila made her way back to Marielle so asked her where her yearbook was. Marielle said she had set it down and apparently someone took it probably assuming it was theirs.

As Camila went off to find her yearbook she greeted a few of her friends as she explored to find her yearbook, she eventually found it with Ally. Camila took from her excitedly and walked to the cafeteria and made her way to a bench and sat down and opened her yearbook happily.

As she flipped though the pages she noticed she had a lot more signatures than she imagined she would. As she was flipping through the pages examining each comment closely she felt her heart skip a beat and she saw a comment for Lauren Jauregui a girl shed been crushing on for a year now. Camila has to remind herself that she was in public and had to hold back her squeals of excitement.

She looked down to her yearbook and carefully read Lauren's comment, "It was really great getting to know you this year you made Miss Lovato's class bearable with your muttered comments, I really hope I'll see you next year or maybe if I'm lucky sometime a lot sooner."

Camila had to put her head down and burry her head in her arms to hide her overjoyed smile and blush. She felt the bench shift a bit beside her, she didn't pay much attention to it until she felt a little tap on her shoulder.

Camila sprung her head up and was shocked to see Lauren sitting next to her. "Hey" Lauren said "I Hope I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" "No not at all I was just.. uhh.. trying to cover my sneeze uhh.. yeah" "Oh my god Camila you are so stupid why do you even try to talk" Camila thought to herself

"Ah I see" Lauren said smiling "Quite a sneeze huh?" "Yeah it was" Camila said trying to hide her embarrassment "well anyways I just wanted to come over here and say hi and that your outfit is really cute" "oh really" Camila said trying her hardest not to blush "Yeah you look really cute too uh.. I mean your outfit not you like your cute uhh I mean- " Camila said stumbling over each word "I'm sorry I'm so awkward I don't know why I talk." "I like it when you talk" Lauren said smiling "really?" Camila said out if disbelief "yeah I really do" Lauren said as she looked at Camila a silence fell over them.

Lauren then mustered up the courage and reached her hand up to the back of Camila's neck and gently pulled her forward to connect their lips together softly. Camila felt as if she was going to pass out as Lauren pulled away and smiled softly.

"So Saturday do you want to go to the movies just me and you? I'll buy the popcorn." "I'd love to" I Camila said smiling and blushing obviously now "Great I'll see you then." Lauren said as she got up smiling and handed Camila a little piece of paper containing her phone number on it then walking off "Did that really just happen?" Camila thought as she got up and collected her yearbook and ran off to go share what had just happened with her friends.

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