Realized Regret -Sample- (Aoi x Uruha)

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Realized Regret sample will be the beginning of the book

Aoi's P.O.V age 6

"Aoi!" I looked up as my honey blonde friend called my name. Uruha hugged me and pulled him closer. "I missed you Aoi!" Uruha said as he pulled away, running his fingers through my ebony hair. I smiled and he sat next to me, helping me build a sandcastle.

"I love you, Aoi."

"I love you too, Uruha."

-age 12-

"Hey, Uruha!" I said, waving at the honey blonde. I walked towards him and smiled. "Guess what just-"

"Aoi, just wait for later. I'm busy." Uruha said and smiled at Tora, walking away with him. My heart filled with dread, sickness, loneliness. I watched my friend walk away.

Uruha was always ignoring me. Never wanting to hang out with me unless his friends couldn't. Never eating lunch with me anymore. Never talking with me anymore. Won't even look at me anymore. I was a last resort. I didn't have his true friendship like they did. I was the last person he would call if his friends couldn't hang out. "Aoi, are you okay?" I looked at Ruki as he grabbed my arm, giving me a sad smile.

_<~Age 15~>_

I stared at my old friend. Uruha was laughing, smiling. He never looked so happy, even as we were kids he never looked this happy. He was sitting with Reita and Tora, talking like best friends. He didn't need me. Didn't want me. I was just trash. A broken toy. A loser that he didn't want to talk to. My heart was torn out, played with...thrown away.

I would text him 'hey' and he would reply with 'who is this?' It hurt my feelings that he deleted my number. He has the same number that he's always had but he deleted my number.
I was forgotten. I was let go. I had been pushed away. I had never cared for. Never had a true friend. I was just used until he made some real friends. Which is fine. He always a managed to break me in me very way possible, so why be friends with this bitch anyway?

Aoi- age 18::::Uruha- age 17
Ruki- age 16:::Reita- age 18
Kai- age 17::::Tora- age 19

~^*^。。Aoi's P.O.V 。。^*^~

Now the story really starts.
I stared at the honey blonde boy. Uruha. Always Uruha. Loved by everyone and everything. The gods have always favored this bitch. He's always gotten what he wants. Always managed to steal everything away.

I hate him.

Anytime I ever had the hopes of winning, he always passed me and gotten it first. I'm just as beautiful, aren't I? I'm so much more polite than him. Uruha looked my way and I sneered, turning and walking away. I walked out of the building and headed on down the street.
"Aoi!" Such a beautiful voice, yet mocking, insolent. "Aoi, wait." Uruha called, grabbing my shoulder.

"What do you want, bitch?" I growled and he let go, taking a step back. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Sorry, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn." I growled and began walking away. "Go to the dance with me." Uruha called and I stopped walking, turning to look at him.

"Are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion? Why would I ever go to the dance with you?" I growled and he blushed, "I like you."

"Did the mental hospital test too many drugs on you today?" I laughed.

Uruha frowned, biting his lip as tears came to his eyes. "Aoi...please go to the dance with me. Why won't you talk to me? I don't know what I did to make you hate me, but it's killing me." Uruha sounded like he was pleading now.

"Slit your wrists, it will help you die quicker. I mean, I have respect for the dead; in fact, I could only respect you if you WERE dead." I smirked. Uruha finally let his tears fall, " you really hate me that much?"

Uruha grabbed my arm. "Aoi, please tell me all that was just a cruel joke...Aoi, I love you." Uruha cried, he buried his face into my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine, I'll go to the dance, I won't like it, though." I replied and he hugged me. "Thank you, Aoi! Thank you!"

"Whatever, this is a one-time thing," I growled and peeled his arms off. "How would you like to dress?" Uruha clapped his hands, a big smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "you choose. I'm not planning anything, you just text me and we'll agree on something."

"Alright! I'm going to need your number." Uruha handed me his phone and stared at me expectantly.

I sighed before flipping it open and typing my number in, calling my own phone. "There, just save my name." I handed the phone back and began walking away.

"I can't wait!" Uruha called after me, waving as I continued to try and ignore him. Maybe I can make a fool out of him by not showing up. Just ditch him somewhere, that would be great.

I smiled as I thought of all the different ways I could get out of going. I could take him to dinner and after I pay the check just run away. Or I could ditch him in an alleyway. Either way, he won't be my problem anymore.

~^*^。。Uruha's P.O.V 。。^*^~

I stood in front of my mirror, examining my clothes. I'd chosen an oversized, long sleeved purple shirt. The left sleeve hung off my shoulder and I decided to where a black tank top underneath. I had white skinny jeans along with some black converse. My eye makeup was black, making it seem as if the color of my eyes glowed. My hair was curled on the ends along with the different layers. I smiled and headed downstairs as the door rang.

Mother opened the door to reveal Aoi. He had on a purple button-up shirt with a black jacket and wearing black skinny jeans. "Are you ready?" Aoi asked and I grabbed my phone, slipping it into my pocket. "Alright, let's go!" I smiled and grabbed his arm.

"I thought maybe we could go to dinner first," Aoi said, opening the passenger door of his car. "Alright." I smiled and got in. Aoi closed the door and got in on the driver's side. "So, where do you want to eat?" I asked and smiled. Aoi shrugged and put on his seatbelt. "How about that restaurant across the road from the coffee shop?"

"Sure, anything you choose is alright with me," Aoi smirked and we began our way to the restaurant. When we got there Aoi jumped out and opened my door for me, offering a hand. I grabbed his hand and he pulled out of the car, closing the door.

I hugged Aoi's arm as we walked into the restaurant and a waitress led us to a table. The waitress gave Aoi a flirty look and walked away. I looked at the menu, reading over the different foods. "You look nice, Uruha." Aoi mumbled and I smiled at him, "thank you." Aoi had an unreadable look and went back to reading his menu.

"So why did you want me to go to the dance with you? I'm not cool. I'm not popular. Is it because we are childhood friends or do you feel sorry for me?" Aoi asked after the waitress took our menus. "I like you Aoi." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Sure you do. Let me guess, it was a dare and you're going to make a fool out of me." Aoi demanded and I shook my head.

"Aoi, I asked you because I want to be with you." I nearly shouted.

~^*^。。Aoi's P.O.V 。。^*^~

Damn. I bit my lip and shook my head. "Here's your food." The waitress smiled at me and walked off. "Let's just eat," I said and Uruha sighed. We at our food in silence, Uruha ate most of his food before setting it aside. "Full?" I asked and he nodded. "I'll go pay," I said and grabbed the ticket, heading to the main counter. I paid and left. Maybe he won't get too mad at me for leaving.

I got in my car and waited a few minutes as regret began to fill me. I sighed, shook my head and left the restaurant. He's going to kill me.


I walked into the school and everyone was quiet. Strange, usually everyone is talking. I got to class only to notice Uruha wasn't at his desk. That's odd, where could he be? I hope he isn't so upset that he doesn't come to school.

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