History comes out.

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For all those who want to know about Lexi, here it goes.. Hope you enjoy it.


"C'mon Dawson, hit the ball," Dean yelled at me as the ball came to my feet. I took the ball into my hands and threw it towards him. He caught it with falling and continued kicking it. There were three more other kids who were quite older than him who were playing with him. If Kathy sees him playing like that, she could kill him.

I sighed and turned to look at her. She sat on the wooden deck standing at the edge of the lake. Her legs were dipped in the water and her eyes were fixed to the water. How life changes someone, I couldn't understand. Two weeks passed since everything happened. She hadn't uttered one word, hell! She didn't even looked at anyone. What is bothering her? What happened that night? How will I ever know what happened to her and Duke? All these questions are roaming in my mind and I have no answers. The only person who knows is suffering silently.

Just then my phone started ringing. I opened to see an unknown ID, I answered it.


"Dawson? It's Cole,"

"Cole? What do you want?" I couldn't hide the anger in my voice, we have been mortal enemies for years. Since Cole is best friend of Kathy, neither of us do anything to him.

"Dawson, I need to talk to Kathy," he sounded urgent.

"Sorry, but she can't," I said straight forwardly.

"What do you mean by can't? Damn it! Dawson, it's urgent," something in his voice I could sense the fear. I think I should tell him the truth.

"Cole, the thing is that... Kathy doesn't speaks to anyone," I sighed and glanced at her. She is in the same position.

"What do you mean?" he sounded anger and confused. Without any delay, I told him everything that happened.

"Shit! It can't be happening. How is she now?"

"She is fine for now, but no one knows the cause," I replied to him.

"Dawson," his voice was calm and urgent,"I have to meet you, it's urgent and it's something about Kathy,"

"What do you know?" I stood up immediately.

"I know how we can save her but before that you should know something about her, I will meet at the school, come in 15 minites," saying that he disconnected the call.

What does he know? What is that I have to know about her? Somewhere in my heart I felt hope... Hope to save her. And Cole might be the one. But I can't leave her alone. I walked inside to find Zac and his dad, facing each other and talking. When I entered, they both looked at me. Zac's dad smiled at me and left the room and Zac was sitting on the stool.

"Zac, I have to go somewhere, I need you to take care of Kathy," I said to him. He cocked his eyebrows at me and simply nodded. This guy will never change.

"Zac, make sure at the lake... Just watch her," I gave him the final warning and rushed to the car. Shifting the gears, I drove to the school.

After fifteen minutes of drive, I finally reached the school. Standing at the gate was Cole. My wolf was driving crazy being so near to him. It wanted to come out and kill him, but I can't.

He smiled and waved at me. I walked upto him and sat on the wooden bench.

"Thanks for coming," he smiled and sat next to me. I rolled my eyes.

"You said that you will tell me about Kathy," I came straight to the point.

"Before that how is she?" he asked me worriedly.

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