15 - The Price of Forgiveness

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"What was that?" Ayla asked after Sir Antwerp was out of earshot.

That is what I would like to know, Fye thought as she glared at Sir Reuben. After the stunt he had just pulled...

"Xander is your beau," Reuben said to Fye. "I'm your father. Now we'll only have to deal with the stupidest and most arrogant people who will try to kill you outside the arena. It's rather smart, isn't it?"


"Fye is my sister?" Kaylin piped up from Xander's side.


Fye smiled at the little girl. "No, little one. But we get to pretend for a while, all right?"

Kaylin nodded, her face serious. "What's a bastard?"

"Your father," Fye said as she turned on her heel. She had to go register with the tournament officials and let them know which events she would be participating in. She went about ten steps before she whirled around. "Xander, where do I go to register?"

He gestured. "It's—"

"Just come with me."

Without so much as a raised eyebrow in protest, he jogged up to meet her.

"Did you know about this?" she asked.

"About the tournament? Yes, I've known for quite a while. In fact, since—"

"No. About what Reuben just did."

"About him pretending to be your father? No. That took me by surprise, although I can see the logic in it. If people think you're more than just his means to embarrass Sir Reynolds, you're less likely to be attacked by men who think you have no business here."

Fye swallowed a scream. So Xander was also of the backward opinion that she needed a wall of protectors around her. She ought to strangle him. And she would strangle him—as soon as she stopped feeling warm and fuzzy inside because he sounded like he wanted her to stay safe.

"What about the other part?" she asked.

"Other part?"

She examined his face. Was he playing stupid? Sir Reuben had to have told him about his outlandish plan before he told her about it, right? Or had Reuben just assumed that Xander would go along with it. Xander didn't seem to know what she was talking about, but Xander was an excellent pretender—most of the time, he pretended to be in love with her. Even when they were alone together, he pretended to think of her as more than a friendly acquaintance or training partner. Yes, his acting skills were spectacular. But...she chose to believe him. If she didn't believe him, she would have to chop him into little pieces and then send those pieces all over the fiefdom as a warning to any other dumb boy who might have designs toward her.

"Never mind," she said.

"What other part?"

"Forget it."

He shrugged. "I'm not that good at forgetting. What's bothering you? Are you just nervous about the tournament, or—"

"Shut up!"

Her shouted order worked for about two seconds before he spoke again. "What are you wearing to the ball tomorrow?"

Ah, the ball. That was the only thing about this tournament that Margaret was excited about. She wanted to see her daughter dressed up like a lady, in a fine ball gown. And with her hair brushed! The ball was nothing more than an obstacle on the way to the real event. Nevertheless, Fye had been forced by Lady Ayla to be fitted for a couple of ballgowns.

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