43 - Oh My, Maria

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Fye knew she couldn't don her armor in preparation for meeting whatever assassin the duke might send her way; it would let the assassin know that she had been expecting him. She did, however, wear a leather breastplate underneath her tunic for a bit of extra protection, and she kept every sense alert as she waited for someone to try to kill her.

Whatever happened, she refused to end up in the dungeon again. She didn't think her bladder would be able to tolerate it.

"What do assassins look like?" she asked Xander, who sat next to her at their corner table in the inn. Reuben and his daughters had gone off somewhere—a good thing, too. The last thing Fye wanted was for the duke to find out that Reuben's had brought two vulnerable little girls with him to Palermo.

"They look like people," Xander said. His fingers tapped the side of his mug.

"Relax," Fye said as she nudged him.

"Relax? Someone is trying to kill my wife. You invited them here."

"So? This is exciting. Can't you try to enjoy it?"

He glared at her. "You've spent too much time with Reuben." His eyes went to the inn's door, and his frown turned hard. "Satan's hairy ass!" he mumbled.

"I've been spending too much time with Reuben?" Fye teased. She looked for the object of Xander's expletive—and it didn't take long for her to find it. It stuck out like a sword in a knife drawer. It had soft curves, the shiniest hair Fye had ever seen, and big brown eyes that could swallow an unwary man. And a perfect complexion. She oozed evil out of every pore.

Lady Maria.

She stood in the inn's doorway with wide eyes, looking like a rabbit that had wandered into a hunter's trap. Already the nearby men were eyeing her as if she were a gourmet dish prepared especially for them. In her expensive yellow dress, she gave the impression that she was begging to be robbed—or worse.

"Is she brave or stupid coming to a place like this?" Fye asked Xander. "How did she even know where to find you?"

"You told the duke where we would be. Maybe he grew a conscience and doesn't want to kill you while you're pregnant. Maybe he sent her instead to send a message." He shrugged, and his hand around his mug tightened to the point where the knuckles turned white.

Hmph. Well, Fye had to give the duke credit for style. He probably assumed that Xander would take pity on Maria and offer to escort her home safely. The duke would be surprised.

Fye stole a sidelong glance at Xander while one of her eyes stayed glued to Maria. Nope. Xander would not escort her home. Fye would do it. She was a knight, after all, and it was a knight's duty to protect helpless damsels—even if the knight wanted to do violent things to said damsel.

What kind of petty game was the duke playing? Fye had expected something more sinister, like an Oriental assassin or a cackling wizard.

"Hello, Xander," Maria said as she took the seat across from him.

"What are you doing here?" There was gravel in Xander's voice. Icy gravel.

Good boy, Xander.

"I..." Maria's wide eyes went to Fye. "Oh, thank you," she said to the passing server who shoved a mug of something into her hand. She sipped the drink, and her entire face turned sour. "This is not a drink fit for a woman," she said.

"I like it," Fye said. She thought it was disgusting, actually, but Lady Maria could never know that. She couldn't have anything in common with this prissy little maiden.

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