Morning Glory

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hi everyone pls don't hate me I know I'm terrible at updating, & not to make excuses but I'd just like to explain my hiatus:
my mental health declined rapidly from the last time I updated this book & I had to take care of myself (which I'm lot very good at but I tried)
im in my freshman year of college now so keeping up with everything is kinda hard but I'm trying.
I felt so bad about leaving you all with nothing from this book. tbh, I lost all inspiration for it, which sucks bc I literally planned out this entire book. I have an ending set, which is something I didn't have for break free. I promise I won't leave you with no ending, bc I have one I swear. pls take this update as an apology from me I love u all

don't h8 me for this ch either thanks bye

For months, I threw myself into my work. Every now and then Ariana would reach out about something, and not answering hurt me but I was afraid. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I was in love with her, and I was afraid to think those feelings might never leave.

Since I was throwing myself so deeply into my work at our studio, Casen had more time to spend with Kai. They became very close, and I appreciated Kai's very laid back attitude. He was easy to talk to when I wanted to rip my hair out, and was always on hand to baby sit Micah in an emergency. My next emergency, however, there would be no fixing.

"Mail's here!" Casen shouted Saturday afternoon, waking me from my nap on the couch. I jumped up and realized I had fallen asleep in the middle of going through some paperwork. I groaned and looked around blearily. Kai was playing with Micah on the floor, dozens of toy cars surrounding them.

"You woke up Lyric, ya goof," Kai said as Casen walked over, leaning up to kiss him. Casen blushed and started filing through the mail. He handed me a few envelopes and kept some for himself. I sorted through the various bills until I reached a fancy metallic envelope at the end of my pile. Confused, I flipped it over and opened it, revealing a beautiful invitation to an engagement party for Frankie and Zach. I stared at it for a moment before Casen said, "You got one too?" I looked up at him in shock and fear. I loved Frankie and Zach dearly, and I still had contact with them, but an engagement party would be different. I would have to mix and mingle with a large crowd. I would have to see Ariana and Sean. The idea of it all made me want to throw up.

"What's wrong, momma?" Micah asked, resting his hands on my leg.

"Nothing, bug," I smiled, trying to pull myself together. "Uncle Frankie and Uncle Zach are engaged!"

"What's that mean?" I smiled at his innocence and said, "It means they're going to get married."

"Wow!" Micah shouted, jumping up. "Yay!" I laughed and kissed the top of his head.

"Hey booger, go get your stuff together," Casen said. "We gotta go."

"Okay!" Micah started to run off before I stopped him.

"Excuse me, sir!" I called. "Who's going to clean up all of these toys?"

"Sorry, momma," Micah said. He started scooping up the toy cars to take back to his room. He emerged a few minutes later with his book bag and jacket on, stopping at the door to put on his shoes. He ran over to me and kissed my cheek. "Bye, momma!"

"Bye, bug!" I hugged him tightly and said, "Remember to behave yourself, alright?"

"Okay," he smiled. Then, Casen and Kai left with Micah. I relished in the silence and tried to get back to my nap. That didn't last very long, because twenty minutes later, Casen and Kai burst into the house, shouting at the top of their lungs.

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