Pizza and Friends

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After we got coffee from Dunkin Donuts, we went home where I began to teach Casen how to flirt with someone.

"Okay," I said as we sat across from each other on our couch. "What are some of the things Kai is into?"

"Um, he likes music," Casen said. "Like, writing songs and playing instruments and stuff."

"Okay," I said, taking notes on my phone. "What else?"

"Uh, outdoorsy stuff, like camping and hiking," Casen said. "And art. He likes art. But like, art people make for their favourite bands. He likes that kind of stuff."

"Okay, good," I said, smiling as I came up with a plan. "How does he feel about All Time Low?"

"He went to an All Time Low concert a few weeks ago," Casen smiled. "He kept snapchatting me from the concert."

"Great," I smiled, hopping off the couch and running to my room. "Bring Kai to work tomorrow!" I called.

"Why?" Casen shouted back.

"Just do it!" I replied, shutting my door and jumping on my bed to make a phone call. "Hey! I need a favour..."

     •     •     •

The next day, I was chilling in my studio with Alex, Jack, Rian and Zach, just waiting for Casen and Kai to show up.

"So, what are we doing again?" Rian asked me.

"Casen likes this guy named Kai," I told them. "Kai writes his own songs & likes to play guitar and loves you guys. So, I told Casen to bring Kai here under the pretence that Casen is just giving him a tour of where he works. Casen doesn't even know you guys are here, so we'll just say you guys had the day off and came to hang out with your friends, your friends being Casen and I."

"Cool," Zach said.

"We should serenade them with a love song," Jack said, picking up a guitar and starting to play Can't Help Falling In Love.

"Oh God," I laughed as Alex started to sing a really bad version of the Elvis song. Soon Rian and Zach were singing it too while I laughed hysterically.

"I think I prefer Tyler's version," I said when they finished.

"What's going on in here?" Casen asked, standing in the doorway with Kai. Jack started to play the song again and I laughed.

"Jack is playing me love songs," I laughed. "What's up guys?"

"I was just giving Kai a tour of the studios and offices," Casen said warily. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Great way to talk to your best friend," I scoffed, smiling.

"We were off today," Alex said, ignoring me. "And we wanted to come hang out with you guys. What's going on, Casen? We haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know," Casen smiled nervously, shaking Alex's hand. "Well, you guys have been busy so—"

Just then, Ed Sheeran walked in with a box of pizza. "Lyric! Casen! What's going on?"

"Ed, oh my god," I gasped, jumping up and running over to hug him. "What are you doing here?"

"I had a day off and I was nearby, so I thought I'd drop by," he said. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No no," I said, leading him in the room.

"Does this happen often?" Kai asked Casen.

"Not usually, no," Casen admitted.

"You didn't tell me you were friends with some of the most amazing musical geniuses of all time!" Kai shouted, shoving Casen lightly. "That's so cool!"

"Yeah," Casen mumbled, blushing slightly.

"Well, come on then," Ed said, opening the pizza box. "There's enough here for everyone." Kai walked over confidently while Casen followed him meekly.

We spent the whole day just hanging out and eating pizza. Kai even got to write some songs with Alex and Casen, which I knew made Casen extremely happy. At the end of the day, Kai offered to walk Casen home, an offer Casen gladly accepted.

"Do you think it worked?" Alex asked me after they left.

"What worked?" Ed asked.

"I'm trying to get Casen and Kai together," I told him. "But I'm trying to do it subtlety. Casen really likes him, and I think Kai likes him too."

"Ah, Lyric the matchmaker," Ed teased. "I should get you to help me out."

"25$ an hour," I said before we all laughed.

Pretty soon, they all left. I stayed behind to clean up the studio a bit and give Casen and Kai some privacy, if Kai had decided to hang out with Casen more. In the middle of my cleaning, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Miss Summers?" The woman on the other end said. "Hi, I'm just calling to remind you of the trial date we have tomorrow. One o'clock."

"Oh, um, right," I said, a pit landing heavily in my stomach. "Yeah, of course. Thank you. I'll be there."

"Have a nice day," the woman said happily before hanging up. My phone slipped out of my hands as I sat in a chair.

I always tried my hardest to forget about what happened, to forget about him. But something was always brought up to bring it all back, whether it was a phone call about another court case, or someone walking around the apartment at night. Soon, everything about that night came flooding back, and I was laying on the floor, crying my eyes out.

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