Chapter 11

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Amanda's P.O.V

It's cold and dark, the only light there is, is coming threw the bottom of the door.

I stood up and tried to feel around for a wall and there was nothing. when I tried to take a step but got held back by something around my ankle. I reached down and felt  a chain wrapped around my ankle. I frantically started pulling on it trying to get it off. 

After about 3 minutes fighting to get the chain off i gave up. I huffed as a couple of tears ran down my cheeks. 

"BOOM" i jumped and looked a a door frame with a man standing in it. "let me go please, i didn't do anything" i cried pulling on the chain a , causing it to make a jingle noise. "Well look who woke up" a deep voice said. It wasn't Tate. 

The man turned on a light and i squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the sudden change of light. My vision focused and I could see the man clearly, it was the dude who took me away from Tate.

"your awake, good" he said taking out his phone and started texting someone. He was in the middle of typeing when his phone started ringing, he smirked and answered it.

"Ah, Tate i knew you would come crawling to me" he turned and mouthed something to one of his men. The man worked his way over to me and i started panicing. He reached down and grabbed me by my hair.

I kicked him with my leg that wasn't chained to the wall, he groanded and i started backing up until my back was against the brick wall. "you little" he growled, stalking up to me with a evil look in his eyes.

"NO PLEASE IM SORRY" i cried as he started beating me.

The man soon stopped after Damon got off the phone with Tate.

"Maybe if you would stop being a little bitch you wouldnt get hurt" he stated walking up to me and kneeled down to my level. He cupped my cheek and i flintched. "tsk, it's a shame i've agreed to give you back." he said softly. So far he hasnt laid a hand on my umlike Tate, Maybe i could stay with him instead. I mean, Tate has anger issues, Damon actually knows how to control it.

"your not going to hit me?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "no I may be a criminal but I don plan on hurting you anytime soon.

"i don't want to go back" I whispered. he gave me a slight smile before standing up and leaving with out saying anything.

--------Time skip a couple of hours------

Damon's P.O.V

"i don't want to go back" she whispered to me. I gave her a light smile  before standing up and leaving. I feel bad, like I get I agreed to give her back to him as long as he gets this Abby chick. But she made her choice so I guess he is stuck with Abby unless one of my workers take her.

My thoughts were interrupted when  someone yelled my name from down stairs, I walked my way to the stairs and looked over the banister to see who it was.


He looked irritated, next to him was standing a some what tall brunette, must be Abby.  

"here now give me Amanda" he demanded. "now now is that how you ask for things" I taunted, I could tell he was mad.

"it is when you have something that belongs to me" he gritted threw my teeth. i smirked and walked up to Abby. "she's good looking i'll give you that, but not as good as Amanda" I kept taunting. "psh please, I'm way better looking then that chick" she rolled her eye's. 

I didn't even think twice before smacking her across the face. "ever say that again and i will kill you" I  threatened as she picked herself up off the ground.  

"Now give me Amanda" he commanded

"About that..." i said with a smirk. 

"She doesn't want to go" I said shrugging my shoulders.

His whole demeanor changed, he cheeks were turning red and he balled his hands up in a fist.

"i don't care we had an agree meant" he argued, which only caused me to give a light laugh.

"but you see" I started, "unlike you I don't lay my hands on her, I don't even threaten her. she begged me to stay and I told her I would see what I can do." I half lied half told the truth.

"then bring her down here, I want to hear it from her personally" he commanded, I nodded my head and told one of my men to go get her.

A few minutes past and my men brought her down, she must of been a sleep because her eyes were half open.

"is it true" Tate asked walking up to her, getting awfully close making me a little jealous. "w-what" she asked not knowing what he was talking about.

"Is it true you asked to stay" he said a little louder this time, I looked at her and fear was written all over her face.  She was to scared to say anything, she just nodded her head.  

He mumbled a whatever and just walked out.

"come here" I said offering her a hug. Without hesitation she immediately hugged me. "Jack you can have Abby" I said to one of my men, he smirked and took her, leaving just me and Amanda in the room.

"He's ganna come back" she said with fear, man he really f*cked up her head, I feel bad. "well no one is going to hurt you for now" I promised her. I stoked her cheek and she flinched, this caused me to get mad. I don't want her to be afraid of me and think I'm like him, because I'm not.

"come on" I said, leading her up the stairs and to her new room I've had ready ever sense I had Tate find her. I'm glad he did.

"hey can I ask you a question?" she asked.

"hmm" I said taking off my shirt and throwing it to the side. Her eyes scanned my body and I smirked.

"oh um, why are you being nice to me" she asked sitting on the edge of her new bed.

"Because I was taught to take care of the things that belong to me." I responded standing in her door way.

She gave me a light smile and then laid down. I turned off her lights and went to bed myself.


hi guys how's life? sorry I haven't updated lately I've recently started a new book called "Opposites Attract..." and it's not letting me update chapter two so I'm thinking about un publishing it and stuff along those lines. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, you don't have to vote or anything I've decided that writing this isn't just for votes and stuff, it's for you guys to enjoy so I'm sorry for being selfish. I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!

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