Isn't She Lovely

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Chapter 18-The Final Chapter

“ELI!!!”I yelled. I had just styled my hair and it was an amazing change. I washed out all of the red dye,leaving my hair a natural pitch black. Then I cut it into choppy layers.

“I'm in the living room!”Eli yelled back.

For a moment,I wondered why he was there,but then I quickly remembered that he lived with me.

“Look at my new hair!”I said,like a three year old.

“It looks great.”he said,smiling.

I smiled then sat down on the couch next to him.

“Silent Library,but it's almost over.”

I snuggled closer to him. The next show started with some random girl telling facts about herself that people could careless about. Then a big title that said '16 and Pregnant' flashed across the screen.

“Should we watch it?”Eli asked.

I nodded,hoping that it would give me insight on what was to come.

***After the Birth Scene***

“No way!!I can't do that!”I yelled. The birth looked worse than any pain that I've ever experienced.

“Think about it,it's worth it.”Eli said,trying to comfort me.

I sighed.”What would I do without you?”

He smiled. After seeing that amazing smile,I knew that everything would be okay.

***4 Months Later***

“Aww,it's a Black Veil Brides shirt!Thanks,Jenna. Everlyn’s going to love it!”I said,giving Jenna a hug at my baby shower.

All of our friends were nice enough to give me a surprise baby shower.

“Open my gift next!”Alli said,doing a happy dance.

I laughed.

“Sure,”I said as I opened a brightly colored box. I pulled out a fluffy pink blanket and a shirt that said,'I'm pretty,just like my mommy.”

“Aww,Alli. This is soooo cute!Thanks. Right about now Everlyn needs pink.”I said hugging Alli.

Honestly,Everlyn had clothes that were ever color that you could think of except pink. Gifts from Anya,Dave,Wesley,Fiona,Adam,Drew,Riley,Zane,Chantay,Alli,Jenna,Holly J,and Sav were mostly baby band tees and multicolored shirts with cute slogans. I was beginning to think that Everlyn had more clothes than I did and that was saying something.

{After the Baby Shower}

I was grabbing the baby's gifts and someone covered my eyes.

“Guess who?”

“The Cupcake Monster?”

“Try again.”

I laughed.

“I'm definitely sure it's the Cupcake Monster.”

“No,it's someone you love.”

“Well,it could still be the Cupcake Monster.”I said,turning around to see Eli.

“I have something to say to you.”he said.

“Really,what would that be?”

I turned around to pick up the rest of the gifts the Eli grabbed my hand.

“I love you and Everlyn so much. I know that we're young but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”he said,down on one knee and holding a beautiful ring.

“Yes,of course!”I manged to say as a single tear ran down my face.

Eli pulled me into a kiss.

“I love you so much.”I said.

Then a wave of pain ran threw me,ruining our perfect moment.

“Eli...I think that Everlyn wants to join out special moment...”

“Do you mean...”

I nodded.”It's time!”I said,as Eli and I rushed to the car.

The car ride was intense I'm sure that Eli was panicking while driving Morty. The pains were hitting me like Floyd Mayweather. They were so bad that I was almost in tears. I knew that they would only get worse as my labor progressed,I was right. The pain medication they gave me was useless and I had to prepare for a natural birth. Thank God that Eli was with me through the entire thing.

 ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** When reading the birth part,play the song on the side.Makes it cooler.

{After the Birth}

I finally heard the cries of my new baby girl,Everlyn Neveah Goldsworthy. The sound was rewarding after fifteen hours of pure pain.

“Eli,she's so beautiful.”

Everlyn had black hair and bright green eyes.

“She's beautiful,just like her mother.”Eli said,kissing my forehead.

It was the happiest moment of my life and having both Eli and Everlyn made my life complete.


I hope that you liked this tory and just to let you know,THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL.Until then check out some of my other stories -ArielAsylum!

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