{3} Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

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Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and a queen ruled over a distant land.

Kris and Tao appeared.

"Kris-gege? Where are we?" Tao asked confusedly because a few seconds ago he was at some mall in china buying a new gucci bag.

"Tao, I don't know." Kris answered while staring at his surroundings like an idiot.

The queen was kind and lovely and all the people of the realm adored her. The only sadness in the queen's life was that she wished for a child but did nog have one.

"Who's that?!" Tao yelled.

By the way, Tao-gege you're the queen.

"What the? Who are you?! Where are we?!"

I'm a ghost.

"W-w-what? S-stop j-j-joking!"

"This is SO not my style."

Fine. Fine. This is serious. All you need to do is do everything I say, you got that?

"And why would we listen to you?" Kris asked coldly.

"Y-yeah! Why would Kris-gege and I would listen to you?!" Tao has regained his courage so he is now yelling at the Narrator again.

/Sigh/ One winter day, the queen was doing her needle work while gazing outside the window at the new fallen snow.

"Stop talking and listen to us! Wait-where am I now, you kidnapper?!"

Please calm down. And please stop thinking that I'm a kidnapper, 'cause I'm too awesome to be one. Plus, you're in a fairy tale and I'm the narrator so you're supposed to do anything that I say.

"Luhan hyung told me about these fairy tale thing yesterday. I thought he was just joking..." Kris said while leaning at the doorway cooly.

"Really? So... this is safe?"

Yes. This is safe so please follow my instructions. Tao-gege, you need to do your needle work.

"What? I thought the queen was the one whose supposed to...







I told you that earlier. But you're too busy accusing me a kidnapper.

"Do you want me to wushu you huh?" Tao said while holding his wushu stick that suddenly appeared in his hand threatheningly.

If you do anything that I say... I'll give you a lot of food and new gucci bags.


"Are you saying the truth?" Tao asked seriously while Kris just shakes his head.

Yes. I promise.

"Fine. We'll do it. Right, Kris-gege?" The tone that Tao used against Kris was scary that made Kris to nod many times.

Okay, I'll repeat it for you. One winter day, the queen was doing her needle work while gazing outside the window at the new fallen snow. A bird flew by the window startling the queen and she pricked her finger. A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the blood on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the blood on the snow she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair as black as ebony."

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