Julius and Xalvador

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-Theodor’s POV-

                Prince Jacobi lays asleep in his bed, out cold. He was always a heavy sleeper. Back when we were younger I thought he’d grow out of it. Oh, how wrong I was.

                “Prince, I brought your breakfast.” I coo gently, my eyes downcast as I get everything ready. I look back at him to see if I had awoken him. No such luck.

                I walk over to him, sitting down in the chair that was placed next to his bed. For a moment, I watch him. It was rare to see Jacobi wearing such a gentle look on his face. It was just like when he was reading that book..Oh yes, that book. I wonder what that book was. I bet it would give me an idea of what he was thinking.

                I spring up from the chair and go to the table, knowing I’d find the book there. The prince never hid things, he never needed to.  Maybe this book wasn’t a big deal, but..I breathe a sigh, ignoring the voice in my head that was telling me I shouldn’t be snooping.

                Grabbing the book, I open it.

                I blink.

                The story of…Julius and Xalvador? Wasn’t that…wasn’t that about the forbidden love of two m—My thoughts get cut off by the feeling of someone standing right behind me. I gulp.

                “Just what do you think you are doing?” I hear Jacobi ask, his voice low and dangerous.

                “I-I didn’t mean an-anything by i-it, P-prince.” I stammer, trying to sputter out more words, but too afraid. He was angry, and I had caused his anger. I shouldn’t have snooped. What had I gotten myself into?

                He’s silent for a minute, reaching out and taking the book from my hands. I hear him walk away and toss the book on his bed.

                “Come here, servant.” Prince Jacobi growls and I turn to walk to him.

                I keep my head down as I walk to him. It was best to show regret and shame in this sort of situation. I needed to stay composed though. Showing fear wouldn’t make things better, and it would only make him more irritated. I didn’t need him to be more irritated with me; I was already in enough trouble as it was. The prince hated snoopers.

                “Did you see the title of the book?” he asks, his voice rough.

                “Yes.” I answer without hesitation.

                “Do you know what the story is about?” he asks, and I hear a small crack in his words.

                “Yes” I reply, a feeling of panic crawling across my skin.

                “Oh? Then tell me, what is the story of Julius and Xalvador about?” he asks, leaning back against the stand by his bed. I was still looking down, so I could see his hand as it reached out to touch my hip.

                I take a shaky breath, not knowing how to answer his question. Julius and Xalvador was a story that I’d never read before, and a story that I never planned on reading.  I only knew about it because of an entertainer who sang about it one night, at the tavern my father always used to drink at. I didn’t really know a lot of details, but I knew some.

                “It’s about two men falling in love.” I croak, my throat feeling dry and raspy.

                My master leans in close to me, his breath lightly tingling against my cheek. I stiffen and try to lean back, but his hand grips onto my hip and pulls me against him. I gasp, my hand now placed on his chest in an attempt to separate our bodies.

                The hand that’s placed on my hip travels down and then back. Was he..? No way, what was he thinking? Why would he—a strange noise escapes my lips as he squeezes my ass roughly. The sound snaps me out of whatever daze I’m in, and I try to push away from Jacobi. The fact that I’m starting to struggle irritates him, and suddenly, we are on the floor, and I am trapped underneath him.

                “P-prince, what are you doing?” I rasp. “Stop, please stop. This isn’t funny.”

                “Shut up. I’m your prince. You’re my servant.” he says, pressing his chest against mine. “I can do whatever I want to you. You’re mine.”

                He leaves it at that and starts to lift up my shirt. I start to struggle again, but once he leans down and bites my neck, I become still. This..this wasn’t right. Why was he doing this to me? What was making him act like this all of a sudden?

                “Get on your hands and knees.” my prince demands, pulling away slightly. I hesitate and he scowls. “NOW.

                Regretfully, I roll onto my stomach and get on my hands and knees...What was he going to—I feel his hand slide across my back, to my ass, down my leg..up my thigh…I hold my breath , my face flushed in anticipation.

                He rubs his thumb against my thigh as his hand travels upward. My breath quickens, and my eyes start to water. His chest is resting on my back, his cheek rubbing against the side of my head. I could hear his steady breathing. I could feel his heart racing.

                Suddenly, he stops touching and pulls away. I hear some clanking sounds, but I’m too scared to turn and see what it is...and then I realize he’s taking off his belt.

                He starts to tug at my trousers when suddenly there’s a knock on the door.

                “Dear brother, you said we’d go hunting todayyy!” a cheerful voice sings from the hall. I recognized that voice. It was prince Isaac, the second son of the king.

                Muttering curses, Jacobi struggles to get his belt back on. He manages to get it back in place, and he stands. He walks to the door, and just like that..he walks out as if nothing happened.

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